If I go for too long, "When good men do nothing, evil flourishes," it would seem The Donald keeps attracting flies like the worthless pile of dung he is. The world has become overwhelming, and that is because democracy is in peril. The Capitalist free market system cannot operate under siege. It is and has been stricken with disease for a while now. The rich no longer need the capitalist market, because they have all the money. America can flounder, kick and scream, or break into civil war. It may be the latter is the only answer, because to restore Capitalism the most major effort required of America must come to fruition. The evening news reports the depressive news, but like local politics they fail to enter the ring at all. The issues facing America are not fringe; they are the most basic philosophical ideologies imaginable, something beyond the capacity of current American thought. Jim Crow Jr. is so ignorant, they don't know American civilization is a risk. Instead a logical and natural conversion to Communism will ensue. It all ready was begun and is continuing in our midst. Joe Biden will not stop it. Mike Pence will not stop it. The only people who can stop it are the citizens themselves, and it will be arming ourselves against our neighbors who have been led astray by evil cloaked in human form. Evil masquerades as good, and that is Donald Trump.