Personally I don't like to be a ragger. Ragging on things can be a waste of time certainly, if only you dwell on the negativity of life. Times arise when the shite is thick, and that is now in Cumberland County, North Carolina. "Fayettenam" has been around since Viet Nam. There have been myriad explanations of this emergent term, and often they are laced with endearing sentiments. Many people of lived in Fayetteville, North Carolina because of Fort Bragg. (soon to be Fort something else) I suggest Fort Powell. Many also do not want the name of Fort Bragg changed. Ironically in true North Carolina fashion, changing the name of the post has been explained in dollars and centers. (how much it will cost to change signage) This is stupid. Who cares how much it will cost? The idea is to remove the ramifications of Civil War bigotry from our current consciousness. That is impossible, because America is under siege from Jim Crow Jr., really Donald Trump. Fayetteville ironically has had an intellectual and creative side necessarily to "trump" the blatant and dominant military influence. I am not a miliphobe, but now living in a traditionally middle-class civilian neighborhood turned NCO club, the stark contrast of civilian vs. military is blaring. Once perhaps it was not. Military and civilian citizens live their lives in completely different ways, and there is no law or national policy which mandates civilians must live a life of the military. But they do, and with BRAC and the adoption of Ground Forces Command at Fort Bragg, there is no turning back. Fayetteville is military central, and that is its focus solely because of the dollars flowing from Uncle Sam. The more grievous problems of Cumberland Country and Fayetteville totally are ignored for this reason. We are in a deep state of denial about the quality of life of Cumberland Country. I do not like to rag, but fake news and misinformation have become rampant. The truth no longer is told, and it is now commonplace to interject "Newspeak" into public consciousness. Most of it is lies. This is a surprise to me that you no longer can trust your leadership, and that with the emergence of the Trump Dynasty corruption and oppression are his formula for personal gain. His goal is to convert America to Communism and to become our fascist leader. He has reiterated his philosophy, but his humor and charm somehow duped half of our population. When you find you have been taken, that is when it really stings. Many still won't believe Donald Trump is evil, probably because he reminds them of themselves. Virtue, honesty, and integrity are lost human ideals, and many Americans have no vestige of these qualities. The absence of God's leadership, unwavering love, and compassion are the reason for this shift. America has removed God from our nation, and it has been a heinous mistake. Will we recover? To rag. To complain. To point out. What was my original thread? Fayetteville has become Watts and Compton, the sewer of Fort Bragg. The corruption of local corporate America is so deeply seeded, there is little chance of recovery. Most of this aberrant activity is from foreign influence. Most of the siege of American freedom, democracy, and Capitalism has been from communist nations. They infiltrated America by buying our real estate and our businesses and planting their seeds of moral decadence and corruption. It began in Hollywood with the Japanese, and it has continued all over America. China and Mexico have large stakes in American commerce, and as such their fascist ways have infiltrated traditional American values. Teachers won't teach in Cumberland Country. Soldiers commit suicide after returning to Fort Bragg. Murder is rampant. People more often than not are on drugs, so progress is impossible. Local politics sprinkle money on the deeply seeded problems. The police chief, unable to keep an active force of sworn officers, is offering microgrants to quell violent crime. What greater "cop" out can there be than for a police chief to sprinkle money on her constituency to get them to do her job. It is because she is on the take. Corruption has taken the place of honest leadership, and its money runs the local economy. There are time I believe this corruption merely is ignorance and lack of morality. They don't know any better, and there is nothing to teach them.