"The Revenant" was not a particularly good film. Leo bought his best actor award with this film of which he was a part of the production. It was my first taste of director Alejandro Inarritu, of which comedically I searched for a nickname to lessen the severity of the movie's impact. Chris Rock achieved this at the award's ceremony donning a bear outfit, making light of the carnage. I didn't think the film deserved much of anything, because it was short of real drama. It made use of digital effects to try to illicit the same response as real acting. Maybe Mr. DiCaprio did act in the film, but the part fell short of a vehicle for Best Actor. It was a shallow victory, but he wanted it sorely. As the water passes, and "The Revenant" subsides, its place has been taken by much better, ground-breaking, Oscar-worthy performances placing Leonardo DiCaprio squarely at the top of the best living actor category. This position is shared with others, but his lineage of leading actor roles in notable films has blossomed in the last decade. While under the spell of Covid, many things have been neglected. Realizing the blessing of an actor of such talent is something America should acknowledge and appreciate. His performances sustain the test of time, and I have found myself influenced by his characters and monologues. They are exemplary. When dialogue contained in scenes of movies becomes second nature in your own life, you know a film has accomplished its goal. It has not necessarily coerced you into submission. It has not bludgeoned you to the point of surrender. Simply it has integrated with life in a way to nurture humanity, and humanity has come into question. Anything that elicits human nature, a soul, or spirituality that transcends racial hatred is welcome. We could even go as far to say that human desire, jealousy, greed, sloth, happiness, and fervor are welcome as well. These emotions which truly make a human being have been demeaned and packaged into an iPhone. We have become androids using this iPhone as a core or battery. Thinking and feeling for ourselves without the necessity of real time reinforcement has become a thing of the past. The stream-of-consciousness once that was our own mind now has become social media. Hence we no longer are driving. We are riding the wave of pop tech culture, and it has led us astray. Not only that it has attacked us at our most vulnerable. America is a flock of abandoned kittens needing guidance and love, and it is nowhere to be found. God sits abandoned. Reinforcement by film is important, and always in America it has been. Hollywood traditionally has been the social conscience of Washington, DC. America's children through the decades have learned from Hollywood, and not always was television bad. This is a recent digression, and too many channels created the problem. By switching from Spectrum "Gold" to "Standard" we eliminated much of the noise that has become communist propaganda. I was relieved and surprised not to be assaulted by television programming with much fewer choices. The cable channels have become extreme like American politics, and we do not need this in our ears or on our eyeballs. What we do need is more performances by Leonardo DiCaprio. Whether it is in The Aviator, Shutter Island, Django Unchained, or any of the rest, this man has done the work to become one of the world's greatest actors. It is important we recognize this achievement, and let this man grow into the icon he deserves to be. Certainly he is a much better choice than Donald Trump.