Friday, March 11, 2022

American Communist Oppresion

 Columbus, Ohio is considered the testing ground of American sensibilities, because it is landlocked.  There are no winding ski slopes, warm sandy beaches, or Southern hospitality created by temperate weather.  Instead Columbus is as real as you can get, and as such it is more relevant and visceral than most places.  It was lucrative study destination for this reason.  It allows you to dive in and focus upon what is important to you.  There is no military presence.  There are no chain guns rattling in the sky.  There are no howitzers.  Only is there Midwestern modesty and fervor.  If a product or sensibility has balls, it can make it in Columbus.  If your passion conversely is tepid, happenstance, or moderate it will not survive.  This breeds a high level of artistry especially in the jazz community.  Your life is what you make of it, and for jazzers it is their music.  Otherwise you wake daily to the chasm of the abyss.  Nothingness.  You better get up and get something done, preferably something about which you feel strongly and will grow an able crop.  You only reap what you sow.  Fayettenam on the other hand is a testing ground of its own, because it is dominated by the military.  It is the pinnacle of a military industrial complex, and the Pentagon pays the bills.  This extreme war-like existence challenges sensibilities in its own way.  If you are human, although subsidized by the military, you may seek enlightenment outside of the profits of war.  You may not.  At the moment there is scant representation of progressive ideas.  We have laudable musical theater and orchestral music, but we have no jazz.  Jazz is the soul of America of which the Communist regime, Trump, the Far Right want to deny.  It represents freedom, and freedom in America is what is under siege.  Freedom as represented and ensured by democracy is what is under attack.  Corporate America, who I write about often in an abstract way, tangibly has become this communist force.  It would be trite and short-sighted to call corporate America communist, but when examining the philosophy of recent American corporate behavior, Communist becomes their overt adjective.  A railroad who feels they can run trains 24/7 in the backyards of ordinary citizens with no recognition of zoning or emissions, or an airline who feels they are free to fly jets directly over your neighborhoods and homes is a clear and brutal projection of the communist philosophy.  Citizens are secondary to corporate and mostly elite affluent profits.  Ordinary people don't matter and are expendable.  How the FAA was infiltrated and replaced with corporate stooges in the Trumpian style should be a source of outrage.  How were commercial jets able to fly into the World Trade Centers in downtown Manhattan on 9/11?  Have we asked ourselves this question?  I will give credit where credit is due, and although W. opened Pandora's Box for deregulation, he has keep America safe thus far.  The "Pandemic" transpired during Donald Trump's presidency.  It lost him re-election, but how are we to know he wasn't a part of it?  We watched him spew conspiracy theories about rigged elections, when no one in the Democratic Party had thought about it.  He did this because he himself was thinking about it.  For Vladimir Putin to say there are American biological warfare installations in Ukraine means he has them.  This is pure "Trumpspeak."  It is an advancement to hear about unregulated, Russion-owned, American aircraft allowed by our Federal Aviation Administration, but but using the terms biological or chemical warfare in the midst of the Ukrainian war is short-sighted.  Why don't we connect the dots and suggests any installation of this nature produced Covid 19?  Every fact suggests this conclusion.  Oligarchs with luxury Airbus jets, yachts, and international travel privileges?  Putin's current demeanor and overall health suggest he merely is a puppet.  His neurotic rhetoric is reminiscent of Rudy Giuliani melting down with brown hair dye running down his cheek.  He is a pawn and is being told what to do.  There is a deeper presence to his declaration of war on Ukraine, and it involves the mob.  It involves the world outbreak of Covid 19.  It involves the esteemed Nazi doctor, who became the champion of gay men during the AIDS pandemic.  The self fulfilling prophecy, creating chaos and then creating its solution for martyrdom.  It is sickening.  Jazz represents freedom, and Communism discourages or outlaws such personal expression.  It sees it as the most vital and dangerous foe for economic oppression, control, and profit.  America once was the example of the economic bounty of freedom, and that all has been quelled by the Far Right assault.  We'll be living in bunkers eating rations before its all over.