The confusion in our country is great. I will call it confusion, because no one is thinking straight. How could we, and isn't that convenient? A worldwide onslaught of mass disease that fell from the sky, and not Vanilla Sky. Two years of chaos, no school, and fear of death, and who could get their ducks in a row to understand who is the good guy and who is the bad guy? Who is wearing the white hat, and who is wearing the black hat? Who is the cowboy, and who are the Indians? (like Indians are the enemy anyway) We took this country from Native Americans, and we called them Indians. We. in the shadow of Donald Trump, have become tribal. That is a new one for America. Not so much for the Middle East and Africa, but America, rich with Irish, Scottish, Greek, Asian, and other bloodlines, don't exist in tribes per say. "Mick. Spick. Kike. Whop. Nigger." These are just words, and often those enduring such labels are strong enough to ignore them. They are just words. Tribal is something more primitive, and evidently America as a nation has regressed to this level temporarily. It is the plan. It has been planned. Trump has been calculating his plan almost his whole life. It has been clever and clandestine. It's been on the down low. "You can't blame me." How can you blame a sitting American president when he calls for a preened supporting faction to overthrow an election result? We didn't see what was happening. It's all smoke and mirrors, and is everything and anything to keep us distracted, confused, and complacent. It is time to wake up! Kenosha never should have happened, because a minor should not have been allowed to openly parade a loaded assault rifle in public. The right to bear arms is a fundamental premise of our Constitution, but assault weapons should be illegal. Congress let this legislation expire, and it is Congress's fault Kyle Rittenhouse was able to roam freely with such a weapon. Period. What kind of civilized country allows such a thing? What kind of country doesn't enforce their laws? What kind of country would even consider de-funding the police? Lack of a proper police presence and enforcement of the law is why violence has escalated. It has been very sly, Donald Trump's plan. In Fayetteville, what could be considered the testing ground of America (not Columbus like so many think), the police were not dispatched, and protesters ravaged our downtown and Market House. It is the major point of contention in local politics. Was this appropriate, and why did not the Fayetteville police protect the merchants? "Property can be replaced, and many have insurance." I happen to agree with Mitch Colvin on this point. If the police had been dispatched to downtown Fayetteville, lives would have been lost. There would have been carnage. He made a diplomatic decision, and feel it was the right one. Now it is time to fill the police vacancies by increasing their salaries and reestablish order. Having "Black Lives Matter" painted on the street around the Market House is racist. All lives matter, and it is ironic. Mr. Colvin had the words removed, and there was fallout. A day later the words were back paid for by a private interest. The Market House is the icon of Fayetteville, not a symbol of wretchedness. Maybe slaves once were sold here, but not any more. We are not living in the past, or are we? If we let our current sensibilities regress to a lecherous past, how will we survive? The human race is capable of growth and evolution. Most of us would like to believe we have evolved since slavery. It would seem after the Trump presidency, we are headed back in that direction. Is this what we want, Jim Crow Jr.? I think not. Kyle Rittenhouse never should have had an AR-15, and certainly he should not have driven over state lines and shot three people killing two. He is a murderer, and he is misguided. We have to try to understand how and why he did such a thing. The modern day lynching of Mr. Arbory is clear. Three men cannot hunt down and murder in cold blood another citizen no matter what the circumstances. It was a lynching, and those three men are guilty. It is Trump who is responsible for this misguidance, and he has become the worst President in American history.