Monday, November 15, 2021

Trains in the Membrane

Time for a bit of clarification.   The mission statement of the rail industry, namely CSX-T (before its CEO changed the name to CSX) was to put the trucking industry out of business.  Their propaganda of green was that rail burns exponentially less fuel to haul the same amount of freight.  They pitched this fervently, and with it came the predictable bubble of stock.  Money today is all about futures, venture capital, or speculation to drive up stock prices.  None of it anymore is based on actual revenue.  Wall Street has been moving money around for two decades, while no products get made in the United States.  CSX has made a mint under the tutelage of its inventor, John Snow.  He sold the company, was Secretary of the Treasury for a bit, and then passed on.  CSX has continued to be lucrative paying dividends to its shareholders.  In the news today the skinny was America needs 80,000 more truck drivers, and truck drivers are tired of carrying America on their back.  My question is simple.  What are the railroads hauling?  We know coal is a major commodity, and although burning coal is a menace to the environment until we can tool a better model it will stay.  Joe Manchin says so.  Nuclear energy was the best and most efficient provider of energy, but man was not responsible enough to manage it.  Human error caused the Three Mile Island incident and Chernobyl.  Hydro-electric power was an effective provider of energy as proven by the Tennessee Valley Authority.  Corporate conglomerates control the world, and they are proven not to be ethical.  With this backlog of cargo sitting on ships in the ocean, and with truck driver whining about employment, the question again must be asked.  What is rail hauling?  Another answer is mail and packages.  The industry is anything but transparent.  We no little of what they do, and they are unregulated.  They do whatever they want.  My purpose with this blog entry was to explain their widespread and far reaching pollution.  It is massive, and quietly again I will say the majority of the problems manifesting themselves in the world today are from the rail industry.  Choo Choo!  How can the sentimental Iron Horse be such a nemesis?  It is because the rail industry no longer is what it once was.  The era of steam is long gone, and it has been replaced with a kind of energy most don't understand.  We fiercely want to think rail is still the liberator of man carrying hobo's across the country while they sing the blues.  The Iron Horse, or more specifically the steam engine, was and still is an American icon.  Rail today is something completely different.  It is not sentimental.  It is not friendly to the public, and it is there to earn as much revenue as possible.  It does not care about America or her people.  It wishes only to make money any way it can.  With that mission statement, and the goal of annihilating the trucking industry rail has made a comeback and now dictates the dynamic of the planet.  We live our lives around diesel freight trains, not the other way around.  DC traction was the traditional fare for railroads, but GE and GM both introduced a new thing around 1990.  Elon Musk has built a large part of his wealth using the exact same technology.  This breakthrough has proven lucrative, and that is why no one will say it could be detrimental to the planet and to humanity.  It is, and more specifically it is the AC component of AC Traction that is causing problems.  The populace today doesn't care what an electromagnetic wave is.  They only care if their 5G signal is reaching their phones.  The ramifications of the misuse of electromagnetic waves is far reaching.  It is very simple if anyone wanted to understand.  Vibration, magnetism, heat, and electricity are not a good combination for man.  These four things when combined can cause human cells to break down and mutate into cancer.  We have known this for decades, since the inception of radio.  It only was recently that Bill Clinton chose to play God and deny physics.  He made the decision openly to auction dangerous frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.  No one batted and eye, and now we are addicted to smart phones.  No human being should be in a vehicle without both hands free and on the steering wheel.  America allows her youth to text, surf, and post while driving in the most irresponsible oversight of public health in recent history.  It should be a felony offense, when you are driving a four thousand pound metal projectile at fifty miles an hour.  The potential for fatality is great, and yet America lets this happen.  It is no surprise we won't understand that the rail industry is responsible for the majority of the world's problems, and it is from electric and acoustic radiation.  "Standing" electromagnetic waves are the most offensive.  Today in the middle of the afternoon, a miscellaneous jet flew over our house fifteen seconds after I walked outside.  When I came back inside the cable boxes were resetting, and the thermostat for our HVAC system was blank.  This nefarious plane zapped our house with its radiation either purposefully or as a byproduct of its pollution.  There is no question in my mind, and I have been complaining about these jets since Trump became president.  There is too much conspiracy to voice.  It is overwhelming.  The predictions are coming to fruition.  This electronic age is killing us and the earth.  Watch a standing electromagnetic wave or just low frequency alternating current manifest itself in your home, on the power grid, or in your devices.  Listen to infrasound muddy your music and make you irritable.  Try to understand why cancer has escalated.  Above all try to understand the violence prevalent in America.  Why are ordinary people driven to murder and suicide?  It is because we are being infected with electrical radiation.  Vibration, magnetism, electricity, and heat are no partner for the human organism, and until we understand that humans must run this planet instead of locomotives, we will continue to devolve into chaos.