Mitch McConnell's wife has a Chinese shipping company. The price a business pays to ship a container from China to Long Beach or from LA to China has risen to $20,000. $20,000.00 for ONE metal container. That's a tidy profit. It's beneficial to be a Congressman in America, although the Constitution forbids it. To reap personal gain from an elected office meant to serve the Republic is contentious. America is in a state of contention, and North Carolina is a state of hypocrisy. Republican led gerrymandering is rampant in North Carolina, and they have yet to redraw district lines fairly. McRae Dowless, a Republican political operative, was convicted on multiple felony counts. North Carolina's General Assembly is the Big Bad Wolf, and the state is its hen house. Multiple foreign nations own businesses in North Carolina including Chemours, who have been dumping Gen X into our rivers, air, and ground water for decades. I have a hand growing out of my butt from showering in Cape Fear River swamp water. (not really) We stopped drinking that filth years ago, but I still cook with it. Teflon is in the bloodstream of every single person on earth. Bezos and Musk may not be good guys. To let them build personal satellite systems with no federal regulation... The ill effects of the George W. Bush Presidency are lingering. Bill Clinton created the first real wireless network. Al Gore didn't create the internet. Skynet is bad, and it is time to review historical science fiction movies. (even bad ones) Their predictions are accurate, and we need to pay attention. Who will be America's modern day James Bond?
Monday, October 25, 2021
The Shipping News
Friday, October 22, 2021
A State of Hypocrisy
When the lottery came to North Carolina it was a watershed event. I was absent, and in my absence a change occurred in my native state. When I was growing up in Fayetteville attending Terry Sanford High School, and then moving to Chapel Hill to matriculate at UNC state standards were high. This was the 1980's. Everyone knows the 80's were a different era, and often they get a bad rap. Indulgence. Glamour. Fashion. Cinema. Blockbuster. Romance. Artistry. Expression. Popular music. I don't equate the decade of the 1980's with decadence, although there was some. Ronald Reagan, who previously I felt was an adequate president, was a chosen actor for both the job of Governor of California and the President of the United States. When he came into national office the tax rate for the rich was seventy percent. I'll repeat that figure. Seventy percent of the income earned by the wealthy went back to Washington. Needless to see creative accounting came into play, and CPA's found bountiful and creative ways to reinvest earned income. The way I remember it was this surplus capital was reinvested building businesses. Cross Creek Mall was a metaphor for this practice. Then this mall was a museum, and a symbol of American success. Each designer store offered unique, quality-made, integral products marketed to American consumers. It created a mainstream, a foundation for American Capitalism. Other may remember these glamorous and romantic times shopping in a New York Macy's department store. America was at her height, and now we are in the sewer. I never thought I would see the day when a lottery would become legal in North Carolina. Governor Jim Hunt was conservative, and under his leadership our state toed the line. "Driving Under the Influence" became "Driving While Impaired," and for this offense you would lose your driver's license and spend two nights in jail. For passing a stopped school bus, also you would lose your driver's license. Those were his priorities, and they were good ones. North Carolina was tight, and today we are a polar opposite. With fifty vacancies in the Fayetteville PD, traffic in Cumberland Country is one of the worst in the state. Violations are common and often as are violent crimes. Recently the city decided to raise police officer salaries to a comparable level with other cities, but teacher salaries still are almost the lowest in the entire United States. If tight were the adjective to describe North Carolina when Jim Hunt was governor, it also could describe Phil Berger's General Assembly. There is money in North Carolina thanks to the military industrial complex, but it is not spent wisely. Our state lawmakers could be one of the most corrupt of any state, and Duke Energy is a part of it. A "State of Hypocrisy" is the title when one touts billions in earnings in lottery profits that "go to education." Please. Certainly North Carolina does not have an education lottery, because public education no longer is a priority for state or federal politicians. We made a conscious effort to neglect public education years ago in favor of exploiting America's younger generation. Let's lend then money to go to college, so they graduate with a note to Uncle Sam for $100,000.00. When we should have been investing in and educating our children, instead we fucked them. The rest of American society followed along. When Norman Lear, Aaron Spelling, and Sherwood Schwartz were penning family stories and setting examples for American life, Donald Trump was plotting his communist overthrow. It should be of no surprise that mass killings have become common. There are no examples left of sane, rational, and enlightened living. Turn on the tube or rent a movie and you see murderous violence as entertainment. We have become desensitized. America no longer has any idea how to behave like intelligent adults, because the Trump organization has dismantled America. No science. No art. No philosophy. No religion. Only riches and money. It is a hypocrisy to call it an "Education Lottery," because it is not. The money carefully is funneled to the same places always it has been. Nothing has changed that way. It's the same rich folks controlling the same poor folks. Wonder why mentally challenged adolescents are shooting up school? What other example do they have? Even with America's neglect of public education, Covid sealed the deal. School closed for a year and a half. It's kind of like who decided that putting our garbage in plastic bags was a smart idea? In doing such a thing, putting our garbage in these bags, it prevents the natural process of Mother Nature. Bury organic products under the ground and they decompose. Put anything in a plastic bag and bury it beneath the ground. It will be there forever. Forever. Plastic is a forever chemical, and we don't really need it. We could do without DAK Americas and their Mexican owners. We could do without Teflon and its Chinese owners. In fact who changed the law in America that allows foreign entities to own American companies? Smithfield? The Chinese. Poultry? The Chinese. This shit has nothing on NAFTA. The North American Free Trade Agreement? Bill Clinton thought this was a good idea, and we invested heavily in South America. Then the peso collapsed and lots of people lost their life savings. Mexicans had no desire to work in factories at slave wages, but India and China? Which President made this legal? The problem remains that Gen X, the same chemical as C8, has not been declared a toxic substance by the EPA. It is smoke and mirrors. Presto chango. Slight of hand. Meanwhile thousands of American have died and have disease. Is this right? Education Lottery. How to get educated in how to lose your money. Shop at convenience stores. But lottery tickets. Once schools were the place you learned to be smarter, but they decided against that. Now the well has dried up and America along with it. I don't think we will recover.
Sunday, October 17, 2021
America's Covert Aerial Assault
Bill Maher is the pessimist. If I discover I am being the same, I can turn on his HBO program and hear the more dire and negative perspective. He thinks America will be in hand to hand combat in the streets soon. Metaphorically that means we are moving toward either civil or revolutionary war. It can be difficult to discern which. Do Americans really hate each other, or are we just divided on our political views? Donald Trump succeeded in identifying and pitting American factions against one another. This was his plan implementing a potential communist overthrow of American democracy. We do not understand the breadth, scope, and preparation of his assault. He prepared most of his life. America is gray, and we need solidarity. With a dysfunctional government it will not happen. We watch Congress flounder influenced by the lobby machine. Most Americans have realized Washington is not capable of caring for the American people. We are on our own, and it is time. Our own convictions must drive our actions. I feel this way. I feel no support from anyone or anything, and I am okay. I know my convictions, but perhaps I am not willing to devote the rest of my life to ensuring fairness and freedom for America. We are lucky to have had it. It is not ironic in our lifetimes civil unrest or rebellion would unfold. It is simple, although I am convinced few Americans know what it will take. The majority are sucking on the teat of Uncle Sam, and metaphorically they have become Communists. Always we have been a socialist nation, so for idiots to shout this word is ludicrous. Look at whose checks come from Washington. There are fifty thousand contracted civil employees at Fort Bragg alone, and this qualifies as socialist. As America has devolved in intelligence, philosophical capability, and morality this socialism under the urging of Trump has morphed into Communism. "Are you a party member?" This is going on. Nothing is honest. Nothing is Christian. Nothing shows compassion for one's fellow man. Instead American Capitalism has bred selfish narcissism. We have lost the capacity to question, think, or discern reality. We have been absorbed by the Borg, and that Borg is Donald Trump. Only being in power matters. God's teachings have been rendered moot by this Trump ideology. Ask ourselves what integrity do Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, or Tim Cooke possess? We do not know. They have been successful manipulating American Capitalism in their favor. They are shrewd businessmen. They are geniuses, but that does not mean they are moral, Christian, or good. They have risen to the American throne because of accomplishment, but this does not mean they are good. Why do we not question their intent, their philosophy, or their sentiments? Traditional tenants of man and his substance are as moot as our reverence for God. It is a disaster waiting to happen we are so in the dark. Both Musk and Bezos have proposed low altitude satellite networks. Each wants to build a satellite network of their own that will circle the globe and provide internet for the world. That is a shiny business prospectus. Internet for everyone. Is it really necessary thirty thousand satellites in low earth orbit? It is wise to question such a proposal, because all ready we are being scrutinized from above. There are two choices for the source of Havana Syndrome. While infrasound from land based vehicles is likely, the sky is the limit. Either aerial craft, manned or unmanned, or satellites are the probable culprits. How do I know? How is it possible that an advertisement appears while I am searching the web for a product no one could know I need? I restore Rhodes electric pianos in my garage, and no one occupies this space except me. I do not speak aloud about what I am doing, and I do not have an Alexa device in this space. Yet after I work on a very specific part of a Rhodes piano, an advertisement for this part appears in front of me on the internet. This garage, although it has been upgraded for comfort, is rife will airborne electrical energy. Perhaps it is static. I believe it is low frequency alternating current emitted from nearby diesel electric locomotives. That is not the only choice. Fort Bragg is less than five miles away, and it only takes a few minutes to find the website for the targeting system they use when firing rockets at the potential enemy. It was written in the Fayetteville Observer their ambulatory radar rig also uses sound waves to triangulate potential targets. My garage happens to be in the middle of all of this industrial activity. It was not a problem until Donald Trump became president. In 2016 was the last time anyone cared about the average American. The Trump presidency yielded the strongest and most ruthless corporate structure in a century. It has not ceased, and it will not cease until Joe Biden and the democrats reestablish corporate oversight. The most glaring deficiency has been in the aeronautical industry. Ask yourself how long it took for a handful of Islamic terrorists to infiltrate commercial airlines and fly planes into the twin towers in Manhattan? America never batted an eye about pilot security. Instead George W. Bush created a whole wing of government bureaucracy with his Department of Homeland Security. We policed the American population and made it more difficult to fly, be we did naught to police the commercial airline industry. In fact systematically we have deregulated every industry in response to the fierce lobbying of deep pocketed oligarchs like the the Kochs. Never has there been more freedom for anyone to fly a plane anywhere. I have an entire folder of airplane registration which run the gamut. There are nefarious and nebulous LLC facades hiding the ownership of personal aircraft, and they fly at will with little oversight. The East Coast of the United States has become a military stronghold. How can any American defend themselves against such aerial assault? Object like I do to low flying commercial aircraft over your home, but what really can you do? I suggested earlier a prudent nation would identify offending corporate activity, and if Washington fails to ensure our safety and protect us from this assault, address the issue ourselves. Is that bold? A well armed militia is the last line of defense against a tyrannical government or oligarchical milieu. Without RPG's Afghanistan could not have protected herself against invading Russia. Which Congressman gave them such weapons? If Islamic extremists managed to infiltrate the commercial airline industry and fly planes into the twin towers, how difficult was it to lobby the FAA into changing traditional flight paths so planes could fly over our homes? This happened in Colorado, and to the month when the new flight paths were approved Covid appeared. It was no coincidence.
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Trump, the Two Bit Hoodlum
Big Brother chooses who sees your posts. We can call it an algorithm, but it is communist oppression. "Are you with the party? Are you a party member?" That translates to, "Are you a 'Good Ole Boy?'" Jim Crow ll. The Deuce. It is nothing new. Don't make waves. Let the chips lie where they may meaning allow the "Old Money" (what is left of it) to continue on its immoral path. As for the police anarchy is not an option. It is what we have now. A few bad apples have tainted the police force, and a tidal wave of ignorance was ignited Trump style. Defund the police? You must be crazy. A lack of proper police enforcement is what has created "White Flight" in Fayetteville. It is a ghetto. Those fleeing the wrath are mum on their reasons. If you are sucking on the teat of the cow, then readily you cannot criticize her. This is their sacrifice. "Are you are party member? Are you with the party?" Righteousness left the picture when the faux "Good Ole Boy" network adopted communist doctrines. God was exorcised from American government, and corporate America was free to rape and pillage. That means pollute, radiate, or oppress the population at will because it lowers their bottom line. Responsibly dispose of C8? Monitor and regulate emissions? Enact a program of conservation to protect the earth? No thought has been given to such things. The plan is to migrate to Mars? That economically is rewarding for future space transportation. Is it wise to discard the earth? How is it possible to mitigate such large scale crisis when CSX is unable to understand one lone ES44ACH operating incognito for the service of Cargill wreaks havoc on a community. It's just a ghetto. Who cares if they die of Covid? The white race is supreme, and only they deserve consideration in this life. It was Jesus who changed this dialogue. He was a hippy who saw through hypocrisy. With all of this some good old academic logistics could make a world of difference. It's called corporate regulation. With the stark absence of God and morality, someone has to insist that the right thing be done. We are not China. "White Flight." Those who are aware simply move. "I've got to move." What about those who choose to stay? Instead of targeting hypothetical examples an enlightened society would target oppressive forces. The forte of the "Good Ole Boy" is disguising reality, selling snake oil, and inciting violence. Oh, that is Trump, a two bit hood for our generation.
Monday, October 04, 2021
American Castigation
When I look around America I see no semblance of the Avant-garde. America is in the throes of cultural darkness. This vacuum of human creativity and Christian love is the result of a Communist siege. In communist nations religion is a cornerstone, because evil is rife. Man is sociopathic and money is his graven image. The love of money has destroyed Capitalism which made America free, honest, and great. Capitalism was built on grassroot values of common people instilled by a love of God through religion. America has exorcised God, and now Beelzebub walks the earth. He is winning. Our two choices are to accept and renew ancient Greek Humanities, or inject cyber poison. The prophecy of 2012 is true, and Big Brother is our Attila the Hun. Tainted air, water, and food with contrived, inflated, health care have quelled the productivity of poor Americans. Traditional products no longer exist. Uniquely American products which defined her and gave her her soul are silent. Film, music, art, and television, the voices of the people, now bark for Big Brother. Instead of spreading humanity they spew worthless, mind-numbing, controlling Communist propaganda. The canvas of America is laden with cancerous inaudible noise. Silent sounds are lethal. Music once was the language of America, and the human spirit was ignited. Our language is beleaguered with corporate pollution. Transportation has silenced song and telecommunication has castrated art. The raping and pillaging of America by billionaires is complete. There is nothing left but Communism. Health care is mandated by insurance, Washington is corporate America, and Big Brother is our dictator. America yearns for Revolution.