Life is a funny thing. I support President Biden one hundred percent for pulling America out of Afghanistan. It has been too long a war. I grew up in Viet Nam. I lived from three until thirteen with the extreme violence of Viet Nam on the evening news each night. Violence. Murder. Baby killers. Richard Nixon became President, and in 1975 he pulled America out of Viet Nam. It was a crazy turn of events. Pol Pot was poised. I am glad Joe Biden is intelligent enough to pull America out. It is all they ever have wanted. "Get out of my country!" (which means leave our oil alone) The Bush Clan wanted that oil, and Dick Cheney was the mark. Spiro Agnew was a traitor, but Dick, Colin, and Bush? It was a mirepoix of bad fortune. At the moment, the gravy train has embarked. The Biden administration necessarily is evacuating a host of personnel all seeking refuge from the Taliban. For the first time in several years "ISIS" has been mentioned. ISIL was created when the invasion of Iraq failed, and the United States military left equipment in the desert. This terrorist group succinctly took control of our abandoned military equipment, and rose anew. We would hope this would not happen again, but surprise. In less than the blink of an eye, the Taliban has taken control of Afghanistan. The conundrum is the influx of refugees. Immigration has been on the docket for years, and now in one strategic political decision by President Biden the flood gates have been opened. Covid does not seem to be an issue. The only pressing issue reported by the media is people want to get the hell out of Afghanistan. They were living a good live there, and now the jig is up. While General Milley seems to think those seeking asylum are being vetted appropriately, America has opened up her doors to a network of potential terrorists. Covid seems of no concern, and sorties of boatloads of refugees now are streaming into Texas, New Jersey, and Florida via the United Stated military. It is time to stop and think.