Mitch McConnell is transparent. Is it not difficult to believe the senator from Kentucky suddenly has grown empathetic about women's rights in Afghanistan? Since he cares little for the general populace of America, perhaps he could fare better as an interim President of that remote nation? He is so sincere in his opinion on the botched pull out. One would almost think he has vested interests there. (along with the rest of them) Is it the poppy trade? Is it minerals? Certainly there is something other than 9/11 and the Taliban that have drawn America there for two decades. Hypocrisy is so transparent. Listening to the senator from South Carolina, Miss Lindsey, the same story unfolds. In pure Trump fashion their glaring cavalier irresponsibility to the American people no longer will garner irreverent support. Those times are over. That contingency is being hobbled one insurgent at a time. Does Mitch support the infrastructure bill? Does he feel Apple and Amazon owe America something in return for their achieved wealth? It is okay to pillage our country with no finders fee? No need to pay it forward or back? Just keep all the money. No one has taken a basic Economics 101 class or Polysci. The money must flow through the system. It cannot sit idle in sheltered overseas accounts growing mold. For Capitalism to function the money must flow through the classes. People must earn money, and they must earn enough money to be able to spend for themselves. This is how the system works. Evidently there is no Covid in Afghanistan. They must feel their turbans magically shield their nostrils from the Covid molecule, because no one is wearing a mask. No one is sick. They are just doing what they do best in the tribal Middle East. Rape and pillage. Take child brides. Kill elders. Fun for them. War is all they know, and it is more visceral and satisfying than peace. Perhaps if they had Rock 'n' Roll? Do they partake of their own poppies? Such sincere sentiments for a foreign surrogate territory, the United States territory of Afghanistan. What the f? No Covid there, but select individuals are being targeted with ISR. (If you rearranged the letters it would be IRS, a more frightening and taken acronym) Intelligence. Surveillance. Reconnaissance. ISR is huge in the aviation industry. More specialty aircraft have acne than teenagers drinking coca cola. Protrusions. Pods. Spheres. Bays. All of them contain state-of-the-art surveillance systems spying on everyone. Infrared topography is a big one, and only defense contractors are licensed to use these frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum. That was Bill Clinton. He is responsible. Perhaps they are just surveilling certain people, but those high tech surveillance systems haven't been tested, like AC Traction hasn't been tested. No one knows what the effects are on human beings, but they have a pretty good idea. In the process of surveilling the pulsed microwaves are so strong they start to cause damaged to the human organism. Brain damaged. Symptoms of concussions with no blows. Perfect. Untraceable. It is spreading. The invisible enemy.