I am pretty tired of being surveilled. When I first began working on cruise ships as a professional pianist, I was anxious to find out if the tinnitus I was experiencing would follow me out to sea. We were sailing in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, and still my left ear was ringing like a banshee. Quickly I surmised this tinnitus was being caused by aircraft noise. There were no freight locomotives, the major cause of my tinnitus on land. There were on the other hand a host of commercial jet liners flying above us en route to the Caribbean and South America. The roar of jet noise was of equal value to the infrasound produced by invasive diesel-electric prime movers. My left ear is an accurate litmus test for encroaching transportation. There is an armada of air, rail, and highway traffic in a military town. I have become familiar with most of it, but the culprit that makes my ears ring in real time as a dynamic surveillance force is elusive. There is someone on the other end, and they seem interested in my thoughts, feelings, and other sundry human activity. Also it is an infringement upon my civil rights this unwarranted surveillance. How do I know they are listening? The answer is simple, when your evening dinner conversation ends up on the front page of the Washington Post. Amazon's Alexa app always is listening, although they purport not to spy on your life. If you own and use these smart speakers, you agree to this surveillance. What I do not agree to is the active surveillance of my activity by the United States military. It stands to reason that the largest military installation in the world practices these techniques constantly. It is their job. The multitude of defense contractors constantly are supplying the most up-to-date technology for this activity. L3/Harris, Lockheed, and the rest are heels deep in ISR. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance are the new American Army. If there is a such thing as a pulsed microwave weapon, it would be provided by these companies. The "Havana Syndrome" was studied by Chinese academics, and they reverse engineered the noise creating this physical malady. It was fighter jets. Trump's Big Lie is a metaphor for universal denial. There is no infrasound. It doesn't exist because it is invisible. Science knows nothing, and there is no electro-magnetic spectrum. Therefore nothing could be warming the earth, harming human beings, or wreaking havoc on global politics. All of it is tangible, and this denial is just the easiest and most convenient way to disperse blame. The causes of climate change are multi-fold. Aircraft, rail, and vehicular traffic all contribute, but cellular communications also are to blame. The regulations for millimeter wave transmitters have become so lax, they are everywhere. No one seems to be alarmed that microwaves are the operating system of smart phones. We are too selfish to ponder life without our addictions, and the level of ignorance of Americans is frightening. Our neighbors may be killing us, and that is with what we must contend upon waking each day. How can ever solve the world's problems? I take pride in my musical innovation, but I will not provide it to Uncle Sam free of charge. I have no interest in musical achievement at the moment, because inquiring military minds seem to want to know. Go fuck yourself.