Necessarily the depravity of Bill Cosby, Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein and the rest of the American male sexual Olympic team must be accommodated. How could America's favorite and black television dad be a sexual predator drugging his victims and molesting them in front of his wife? He disputes this behavior, but often Hollywood stars believe their own hype. A slate of female victims did not conspire to bring Mr. Cosby down. Instead they came to understand his subtle and mostly covert sexual advances were selfish indulgences rather than contracts to promotes their acting careers. This abuse of influence has become systemic in America but why? In other nations much older than America, prostitution is legal. It is not earmarked as a soul defeating sin. Instead they way Jesus suggested it is allowed, because love or merely sexual fulfillment is a core component of human existence. Today it is something not publicized, because the treachery of these men's behavior is embarrassing. In a nutshell these men believed they deserved free sexual service in exchange for their prominent positions in American society. Who deserves such spoils? Down in the trenches common Americans struggle to unearth a vestige of love from a fellow human being. When we are unsuccessful with a distant tradition of American courtship, a faction of American society has attempted to level the playing field by changing the rules. The rules in this case are defined by gender. The disparities of gender definition are not new. It has been reported native American cultures have many degrees of gender identity. Perhaps the simplistic man woman construct has become inefficient in America. LGBT isn't new, but its definition and promotion in mainstream American society may be. Most likely it is riding the coattails of the "Black Lives Matter" movement. Minorities are sick and tired of public oppression. This rebranding of alternate sexual identity should be understood in historical context. Political Correctness continues to be a plague, and severe life situations do no always deserve a glossy title. Transgender once was called cross-dressing homosexuality. Some gay men like to dress in women's clothing. That does not mean you should be handed a title, accolade, or position of prominence. What it should mean is your sexuality is private, and the rest of society is not required to support your choice. It would feel more comfortable if they did, but what can be considered an extreme disposition cannot be expected to receive universal acceptance from a a traditionally heterosexual populace. This is a major disruption, and to suggest androgynous sexual identity should become the norm in society is far reaching. Most would agree that God openly did create man and woman, and this pattern has remained dominant for thousands of years. To suggest that LGBT tendencies should become the norm for America is misguided. It would serve as a major tool in "Cancel Culture." An assault on heterosexuality is unwarranted and wrong, and yet this is what is occurring. As a single, middle-aged, Caucasion man each day I am confronted with a sexual identity that challenges my own attraction to women. Not only are there fewer heterosexual women in proximity, I am made to feel criminal for expressing romantic attraction to women. This anomaly is promulgated often in the close confines of the cruise industry. The presence of a "Gay Mafia" cannot be denied. It would seem sexual persecution has taken a one hundred and eighty degree turn. What have I done to deserve the perception I am not afforded a fair and level playing field in the game of romance? It is with this realization often I rant about the misconception of lesbian behavior. Not only are men competing with other men for the spoils, now we are competing with other women who feel it is their privilege to engage in sexual discourse with other women of their desire. In my modest understanding it is a shortcut through the mountain pass. Get in line.