Monday, March 15, 2021

American Mass Genocide

 A few things have been on my mind.  One is the progress or lack thereof of the city of Fayetteville, NC.  Letters are mounting condemning the lack of leadership in Fayetteville.  The common culprits are the Mayor, City Council, and police force, at least in the eyes of those who chose to opine in print.  When I reflect about "DaVille" I recognize the completion of a long awaited public skatepark, the rebuilding of one of the oldest bridges in the state, and a new inner loop highway.  In addition to these three accomplishments, there sits a downtown baseball stadium currently not in use.  Personally I do not believe a ballpark in downtown Fayetteville will make much difference to city development.  They have been revitalizing downtown since I was in high school.  First there were pots, lamp posts, and cobblestones.  They closed it to thru traffic.  When that didn't work, they added parking meters, removed them, and began to offer financial incentives for businesses who moved there.  I believe about what they are talking is the phenomenon of "Black Lives Matter."  There was a protest in downtown Fayetteville, and the Market House was ignited.  The fool who tried to burn it set himself on fire.  Downtown businesses were attacked, and the Fayetteville Police Department failed to defend them.  The Mayor declined to send the police to defend these downtown businesses.  They were of course free to arm themselves, take a post, and defend their personal property.  I feel it was a prudent choice not to shed blood, and that is what this decision achieved.  The police were being protested, so it did not make sense to send them there to incite impending violence.  No lives were lost, and this was a small success.  On the other hand the confidence of downtown businesses has been breached.  The ballpark has proven to be mediocre at revitalizing downtown business.  In reality it has harmed local merchants diverting business to another activity.  Downtown has not prospered from the newly built baseball stadium.  Only has it provided a nice view for tenants of housing on the old Sheraton lot.  This is not enough.  Fayetteville indeed at the moment is a free agent with no concrete contract for economic vitality.  No place in America or the world is.  Covid 19 has seen to that.  The lack of leadership about which has been written mostly is personified by painting on the street around the Market House.  The Mayor chose to remove these painted words and quickly recanted.  In a few short days these painted worlds reappeared on the street.  The ramifications of such an action are great, and they have been turned into a metaphor for "lack of leadership" in Fayetteville.  For most people who have lived in Fayetteville all of their lives, the Market House is not a remembrance of slavery.  It conclusively has not been proven that slaves actually were sold here.  The idea of the Market House is a convenient target for Cancel Culture, a short-sighted, racist, malicious, and dividing political instrument to incite civil war.  We as a people must get past it.  The Market House in downtown Fayetteville is a landmark historical focal point.  The idea that a skewed, erroneous, and separatist definition can be ascribed to it is the personification of America in 2020.  It merely is a product of the Trumptista Regime which has ruled for the last four years.  Never before was it an issue.  If we as a people must become incited for a reason, it should be because of mass genocide through domestic terrorism.  Mentally ill Americans have begun killing us helter skelter, and it is the more serious threat to American freedom.  Trumptistas would rather us believe otherwise.  Would you choose to attend a Jason Aldeen concert outside in Las Vegas, if the end result was genocide?