Sunday, January 24, 2021

The Emergence of the Patriot Party

Perhaps we can learn a lesson from the the outgoing President about burning bridges.  Perhaps we can extrapolate the meaning and efficacy of the word "conservative."  If Trump was a true conservative and a true Republican, he would have played his cards differently.  Being conservative means just that.  Instead of laying out all your cards on the table in a large wager with much at risk, being conservative wisely holds back some of this risk in a calculated attempt not to lose so big.  (That is a huge run-on sentence, but I am not going to change it.)  My brain is not operating at top efficacy thanks to the military industrial complex.  Jump Master Flash went to work this morning at four o'clock a.m.  That means there are maneuvers at Fort Bragg.  Several years ago in February the temperature reached ninety degrees.  It was revealed a huge military "operation" had taken place in the drop zones at Fort Bragg.  Six hundred and fifty vehicles had been mustered in this exercise in preparation for the rapid deployment of the 82nd Airborne.  Our yard was so confused.  It thought it was spring, and most of our flowering foliage began to bloom then to be frozen in the remaining months of winter.  9/11 inflicted a wound in America that to this day has not healed.  It has not healed, because the response to 9/11 was systematic in our national defense.  9/11 has had such far reaching influences on our country, we have yet to regroup.  Still we are operating in this now antiquated perspective.  It is difficult to say if 9/11 was staged.  It if was precipitated by Americans, then the certain results was the Patriot Act, an unConstitutional piece of legislation which sacrificed the privacy of all Americans in one fell swoop.  Suddenly it was okay for Washington to eavesdrop on everyones' personal conversations.  It has never stopped.  Whether overt terrorist intent ever was uncovered is unclear, but the homeland has been secure.  It should be, because with the Patriot Act came a complete new department in the federal government, the Department of Homeland Security.  For all of the communists who maliciously shout "Socialism" trying to disguise the true nature of their desires, to be a part of the party in control providing equity to the people, another department in the bureaucratic red tape of Washington is just another source of income.  Our communists have been sucking on the teat of Washington for so long, they have lost sight of the fact that all ready America is a socialist entity.  Only it angers them when the revenue potentially may flow to the needy or deserved.  The party must stay in control, and therefore the wealth must flow to them.  The party.  The reality of America today, the stark juxtaposition of defunct Cold War politics with right wing extremism is starting.  Only is it about keeping the pieces of the pie, and no one wants the pie more than Southern Dixiecrats.  Somehow living in this vacuum of American culture and advancement has created a chapter in time that has stood still, at least that is what Dixiecrats thing and desire.  It is very simple.  Things forever will stay the same.  The pecking order remains constant.  Those in control and with power and influence will remain.  This precept, this very axiom is the foundation of the American South, and inherently it is oppressive.  If Donald Trump were a true Republican, and America has forgotten what that is, and if he were a conservative, he would have played his hand much differently.  It is easy to say an all out assault on America's Capital attempting to thwart the confirmation of state electoral votes and the confirmation of a new president was not the best approach.  Certainly this was not conservative.  If it is one thing we have learned, and it should be said loudly and clearly that the "new" Republican party, a party which has discarded most of its previous belief in lieu of a blind allegiance to a psychotic, self-proclaimed, autocratic dictator no longer is the Republican Party.  There is no Republican party.  This group of marauders easily who abandoned any legitimate or relevant platform of politics in favor of blind submission to power should be recast as what they are.  Evidently Mr. Trump is trying to forge his own party, this party, the Patriot Party.  Had Mr. Trump been a true conservative and a traditional Republican, he would have been a different leader.  Instead he ran under the guise or ruse of the Republican party because it was convenient and at his disposal.  It didn't take long to obliterate it completely and replace it with the ideals of his own political philosophy, extremism.  Donald Trump is a product of global politics, where traditional Democrat and Republican views are not well represented.  In this sense a change has occurred in American politics where are traditional system no longer is able to represent the needs and ideals of an evolving nation.  Would anyone think a Dixiecrat Party still is the best vehicle for leadership in the American South?  The answer is an unequivocal, "No."  The American South has shown their desire for progressive leadership instead choosing the strong black women who are in tune with an ever expanding demographic.  "Things Ain't What They Used to Be."  If Donald Trump had been a true conservative and a true Republican, he would not have won the Presidency.  He infiltrated the Republican party and radicalized it over the course of four years in the White House.  The Republican Party is no more, or at least what is left is whimper.  The fault and failure of the Republican Party is ubiquitous with the across the board failures of America in the past two decades.  What America has failed to do and with great effort and purpose is not to pass the torch to its younger generation.  Instead the incumbents chose to exploit their younger generation in a way only that could be considered fascist.  Graduating with massive financial debt for university level education.  Entering a "globalized" marketplace when much of the money and power in America actually is held in overseas banks.  Facing a manufacturing base which is a remnant of its former self.  The list goes one, but this was not a level playing field.  The intent was not to pass leadership, power, and affluence to a younger generation, it was to prop up a sick, narcissistic, childish group of American dough boys.  These men are responsible for the attack on the United States Capital.  Trump never was a Republican.  Never was he a conservative.  He is and always has been an extremist who found and energized a mostly dormant strain of American racism.  He sought to give notoriety to an undeserving band of malcontents, reap their support, and toss them to the wolves.  So he has as they are corralled by the FBI and brought to justice for their misdeeds.  Conservatism seeks to provide security for itself through methodological caution.  Instead of gambling big, Trump's chosen tool, conservatives scrimp and save for a rainy day.  Donald Trump chose to go out with a bang, and he has what is coming, complete censure by the United States government.  I don't think he is worried much about it.  It is a lesson we all can learn from.  At the moment the Donald has fallen from grace, and he is taking down the country with him.  We do not deserve to be dragged into his abyss.  We did not gamble big.  We did not radicalize the remnants of the Republican Party.  We did not insight insurrection and civil war in America.  Americans did not want this.  Only is it a ploy to disguise the transfer of power to a new and necessary regime, and they are going out kicking and screaming.