Wednesday, July 08, 2020
The Return of the Humanities
There is some tangible reason, why I am waiting to do wiring repair in our second attic. Our attic ventilation fan burned out a long time ago, and when I smelled the burning we called the fire department. This man in full fire fighting gear crawled into the small opening above our staircase into this attic and pulled the burning culprit from its metal frame before it burned down our house. The registered temperature was 450 degrees. Although I was not here the replacement of this fan and its sibling was a big deal. The electrical company had to call the roofing company which in turn had to oversee the installation of new housings in our roof. It has been a nightmare, because their roof was a substandard product anyway. Always we have had leaks especially around the chimney. Not long ago we had the entire situation remedied. We got a new roof from a quality company. They repositioned some of the bathroom outlet pipes to make sealing the chimney easier. (By the way I am having to wear plastic protective eye protection to keep the microdust out of my contact lenses in the second story bedroom.) There is a low pressure trough at Wilmington over the Atlantic Ocean near the mouth of the Cape Fear River. They are saying it might become a tropical storm. It is there because Fort Bragg is sending munitions to Military Ocean Terminal Sunny Point on route to the Middle East. That is why it is hot and humid. That is why black microdust is flowing through my bedroom walls. Again I would ask, "Why is the United States military in the Middle East?" The longest war in the history of North America, and no one knows why. Most of these military personnel will vote for Trump and Pence, that is if we judge from the signs in their yards. As Commander in Chief he is keeping their plates full, their not working wives, and their many kids. Expensive homes in our neighborhood on a working man's salary with no college degree. I guess you would vote for this man too for what he is providing you. In, the movie, Judy states that Covid 19 in the lungs looks exactly like COPD. They can't tell the difference. If Covid 19 is listed as the diagnosis in comes the money. I am beginning to think that it may not be a virus per say. I am beginning to think it is just toxins in our air. A virus is a convenient solution, especially if a certain doctor owns the patents to the drug needed for an antidote. I am just happy to be recovering from several years of severe illness with no health insurance. Also I am happy to be rediscovering music I encountered working on my DMA in music composition at Ohio State University. I went to Cowtown in 1991 and stayed in Columbus for ten years. It was the most fruitful and enjoyable musical tenure in my life after a few years of incubation. The initiation period was not pleasant getting used to the Midwest. They did not like Southerners. After acclimating finally and finding a worthy companion I settled into a productive musical groove producing over ten CD's worth of original material. It took Jeff Lorber forty years to receive his Grammy. It will take that long for my material to come to fruition. I have faith in it and patience. I have nothing else to do. While I am being lead back into the trap of doing music for a living, its great reward and spiritual healing, I am will not fall for that gag again. The wonderful feeling and happiness of music, the community, the spirituality, the emotional fulfillment it can provide, also it can take away quickly and brutally. Anything that you come to love, want, and appreciate, it will be attempted to take away from you. This is how humanity works, and it is unfortunate. This is the human species at work, Donald Trump, manipulators with no moral compass, no understanding of God, and not Christian ethos. It is frightening staring the devil in the face. Certainly it is frightening knowing that evil has overtaken North America, our country. No one is looking out for you. While Black Lives Matter is busy pulling down confederate monuments, we should be remembering the Holocaust in full detail. The monuments are not there to remind us of our oppression, they are there to remind us of our freedom from the existence of this oppression. As such they should be retooled as subservient, compliant, defeated fascists put in their places by the love, not the wrath of God. It is appropriate that America is getting face lift, and we need it. It is and has been a stinking, rotting, cesspool of recurrent racism propagated by ignorant, zealot, small-minded humans. This is what Americans need to understand on a daily basis. As a musician I tend to sway toward artistry, but in all honesty if monuments should be placed around the country who should they be? Why war heroes? I must pause for a moment to answer my first question. Why am I delaying the electrical work in our second attic? The answer is because there is too much static electricity in our home for me to be crawling around on my belly in the dark unwrapping wires that have been taped for fifty-seven years. I must find the correct circuit breaker, turn it off, test the live current, and connect new wires to the cluster. Pass. Pass. Pass for the moment. I do not need an invisible menace threatening my life, one of which I have no control, and one that is in the hands of CSX. It can wait for the moment. The answer to whose statues should be placed around America? George Gershwin of course. John Coltrane. Duke Ellington. Louis Armstrong. Ben Franklin. Why does America ignore and scorn those responsible for her own cultural development? It is beyond comprehension. War heros. While freeing slaves was a watershed event in American history, it is understandable that this violent and malevolent event should not be a metaphor for America. It was a beginning. What transpired as a result, in light of continual resentment and resistance from the American south, should be the legacy and the future of our nation. These things of integrity, the humanities which influence our cultural existences are what are important to the human race.