Monday, July 06, 2020
The GE Genocide
CSX is back at it, unabated, uninhibited, and scorching our earth like the spewing dragon it is. After a brief and needed respite from heavy railroading shareholders must be paid. Wall Street. The Stock Market. Pay shareholders. Shareholders. Who is important in America? Shareholders? Make money for shareholders. Who does the work? My ears once again are screaming, tinnitus in my left ear. I can feel my heart beat heavy in my head. The infrasound is rampant. The evening news stated it was a violent Fourth of July weekend. In Charlotte alone there were forty gunshots victims in area emergency rooms. There is nowhere to escape. As General Electric saw fit near Columbine High School there were three moly mines. Their great plan was boring a great tunnel underneath the mountains, the Continental Divide no less, and building a slow-moving conveyor belt to move the material to its refinery. Low frequency AC drives power this conveyor, and the electrical processing equipment to power the drives also is under the ground. Is this a novel idea like the novel Coronavirus? Novel is not the appropriate term. Ask the residents of Taos, New Mexico in their fifteen years of misery who was responsible for their "hum?" Conspiracy theories abounded. Aliens. The DOD. The Pentagon. NORAD. Eventually the determination was "mining equipment." It was GE, and it was their invention of a miles long conveyor belt underneath the ground which caused the hum. More specifically the hum is caused by processed electricity, alternating current manipulated by a computer with its frequency lowered into the infrasonic range. The electricity, which is processed in inverters, hums feverishly as it is contained and and released. If it were freed in all of its glory in high volume and at higher frequencies like more traditional forms of alternating current it would not complain, but the demons, caged, penned, contained scream as they exit the vessel. They hum. All of the electricity, volumes of it, undulating, pulsating, vibrating, pent up and nozzled out in so few cycles per second. It contests. It complains. It says, "This is not right!" The same processing equipment is on CSX diesel electric locomotives. The SD-40-2 is the biggest culprit. It hums and probably was the biggest hummer in history. It's too bad nobody got off. Instead we suffer. With the GEVOlution of GE the humming is not as prevalent, but it still is there. The EPA did require Tier 4 standards, so the GEVO was born. The problem is when carbon emissions are lessened other emissions rise. What could be more important than carbon emissions, for instance electromagnetic emissions? While I am not knowledgeable about radio transmitters, I am certain that alternating current, AC power circulating in wound coils through a stater, rotating, pulling a magnet would qualify as a source of electromagnetic energy. Fully I understand as I was taught by a physicist on the Serenade of the Seas, that electromagnetism is a duality. There is electricity and there is magnetism. They exist on perpendicular poles. Heat and vibration are their byproducts. Electricity, alternating current and magnetism producing heat and vibration. That does not sound like an appealing scenario. While an AC drive technically may not qualify as a low frequency radio wave transmitter, I think it is. The effects it wreaks on our environment are substantial. Sound waves at low frequency from a constantly turning prime mover, about 1050 rpm, producing a 17 Hz infrasound wave. Is that right? Add to it this. What is the effect? A violent Fourth of July weekend and for no apparent reason.