Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ivy League Influence.

Two things.  One, you can't ignore the military industrial complex.  You just can't.  No matter what you do, how you try, and how well you may disguise its activity, you can't ignore the military industrial complex.  There are too many planes, helicopters, munitions trains, and accompanying jarheads to act like it doesn't exist.  It does.  It is the major hub of the local driver of the economy, when it is working.  Like all socialist entities it just taps the federal bank.  It sucks on the jugular vein of America like the addicted, sociopathic, narcissistic vampire it is.  It is a self-defeating prophesy.  It is unto itself, and largely it is what has bankrupted and destroyed 
our nation.  I am not against the military.  I am against a war economy, and a philosophy of living that trains to kill the enemy on a daily basis.  It is not a healthy way of living.  You can't ignore the military industrial complex.  This is a rant.  It is not a well thought out expression of my clear thoughts, because what we are experiencing every day is the furthest thing from sanity.  We now have this dichotomy.  We have a secondary outbreak of the pandemic, because Trump's followers in a cavalier bacchanal decided to ruffle the feathers of the intellectual community.  In a desperate attempt to extemporize their American freedom, they proved their careless irresponsibility toward their fellow Americans.  This is narcissism at its worst.  This is what America has become.  Only the grown ups are allowed in the meeting, and that meeting should be about whether or not school will and should open in the Fall.  It is a watershed moment.  There is no hedging.  There is no room for mistake.  This decision will affect the future of America for decades to come.  Roy better get it right.  He better consult with the proper professionals, which are difficult to discern, especially while the White House is trying to discredit our nation's top infectious disease specialist.  Who are we to believe?  In tru fashion the weekend evening news interviewed a handful of "top pediatricians" about the reopening of schools in the Fall.  All of them gleefully and in great happiness said they would not hesitate for one moment to allow their own children to go back to school in the Fall.  ???  I am in disbelief.  On the other hand two thirds of polled American parents say they are not in favor of this option.  It should be a parents choice about their on child's health and wellness, not our irresponsible President's choice.  I have not taken the time to process the information, the three options for school in the Fall.  Off the top of my head I don't see any use in a week on, two week off in person system.  What could this achieve?  If you contract the virus during your week on, you have two weeks to incubate or die?  As for learning online, the state of public education all ready is at an all time low.  Our kids aren't learning a fraction of what they should be learning about critical thinking in public school.  The handful of "top pediatricians" were university professors, not practicing doctors.  As such with their secure tenure agreements, they would say whatever is needed to keep their cushy jobs.  That is what academia has become in America, the same as the medical establishment.  They care not for you or your health.  They care about themselves and the children they will in the future bribe into Ivy League schools.  Of course Donald Trump will either pardon them or commute their jail sentences.  Here's the thing.  Maybe we can ignore the racket on the rails, which no longer is just that.  The days of the steam locomotive long are gone, the soothing rhythmic "chuff" of steam escaping from a pioneering, ground-breaking, James Watt invented American icon.  The nostalgia, the sentiment, and the musical connection with the steam locomotive has been smashed into compliance by both General Motors and General Electric.  GE was wise, and like DuPont and Monsanto sold their risky manufacturing to shell companies.  Now we have Wabtech.  They are hard at work trying to capitalize off of the 650 engine, a two stroke turbo-charged monstrosity which should be illegal.  The only reason it isn't is because railroad lawyers have manipulated Washington through the Federal Trade Commission and the Interstate Commerce Commission to allow its use.  Even with this polluting hunk of junk, it can't compete with a military device which uses sound to target its guns.  Acoustical targeting it is called.  One would think such an antiquated, anachronistic, inhuman practice would be illegal.  In steps the world's defense contractors who care not about the average living citizen.  They are more concerned with the annihilation of human kind, because that is what their products achieve.  Mass annihilation.  With trains slogging munitions to and from MOTSP through Pembroke via Leland, there also is another culprit that is more unconstitutional and more invasive.  Every time one of those little planes flies over our house something is amiss.  I feel physical pain in addition to heat.  What could this be?  It is well known that the FBI and CIA uses infrared sensors in small planes to see into your homes.  Add the conspiracy of "5G" to the stew, and there is enough potential electronically produced heat to fry the planet many times over.  As the evening news decries yet another insufferable heat wave that will last for weeks, simply turn your head toward the United States military and their ongoing activity.  Lately when I think a thought, have an honest emotion, or otherwise reject the status quo which is being beset upon my in a myriad of ways, I am met with opposition via the air.  My litmus test?  Tinnitus.  When my left ear relentlessly SCREAMS at me, screams in stereo mocking my civility and my attempts at lucidity, then our military industrial complex is at work frying the planet.  How can the world exist without vegetable oil?