Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Believing is Seeing

The Covid 19 pandemic has exposed most of the short comings of American society and government.  It is uncanny how effective an infectious disease can be realigning the priorities of a nation.  I am sure opponents of public education, the same oligarchs responsible for the original shorting of American education are stewing in their own juices.  Suddenly the well being of our children once again has become a priority.  "Pop" goes my hi-fi system as the airborne electricity in Fayettenam undulates unabashedly.  The frame of our house crackles and pops as the enormous amount of pressure in the air ebbs and flows according to what?  I'm pretty sure Fort Bragg is on TDY.  They are out in the field, sweating, practicing, and playing soldier.  This is whence the heat comes.  No one will say it.  The officer on duty calls Wes Hohenstein each days and says, "It's going to be hot again today."  We have hundreds of vehicles at the Normandy Drop Zone.  Blah. Blah.  He never winces.  He never misses a beat.  He just earns his money and reports the weather with nary a care for the burning of the planet.  It is not normal.  Global Warming is not normal, because twenty years ago it never got this hot 'round these here parts.  What has changed?  Base Realignment and Closure.  Our children's education against the will of oligarchs has become important, because with their education now comes the issue of their mortality.  What more fitting political dilemma could exist except the mortality of our children?  When choosing a president what becomes more important to parents?  Covid 19, whether accidental or intentional, has become the great mediator of American survival.  People are losing their livelihoods.  It won't be long before either a civil or revolutionary war erupt.  People have to live, and to live in America it takes money.  The is predicated by the capitalist system.  Socialism on the other hand seeks equally to provide for everyone.  In a sardonic turn of the screw those openly screaming about the adverse effects of Bernie's democratic socialism will be screaming for Washington to pay their bills.  What a pile of shit to look at each day on television.  We must receive our information from some source, and traditionally newspapers, magazines, radio, and television were our sources.  What has  happened?  Newspapers are dying a vivid paper death.  Magazines all ready died.  Radio was rendered impotent by "them internets," and the conglomeration of cable companies by a small group of owners has reduced television to worthless propaganda.  Talent and thus art left America in a mass exodus championed by David Letterman and Craig Ferguson.  Two of America's most intelligent and trustworthy television personalities abandoned ship at the same time leaving a gaping hole in late night television programming.  While Stephen Colbert gives it the old college try, his talents lie elsewhere.  Being a ventriloquist for Jon Stewart is not his forte.  Like jazz television show hosts need their own personal voice driven from their own upbringing and personal experiences.  Television lacks this like most things in America.  People say what they are told to collect the money.  Truth and honestly play no part in American culture.  All kinds of revolution are taking place, and Trump is doing everything in his power to continue to spin the truth.  "Are you going to believe what you see or what I tell you?"