Saturday, May 23, 2020
The French, Russian and Newest American Revolution
When I find a small pocket of lucidity, usually lying in the bed trying to go to sleep or shortly after waking up, my life is transformed from a humid, dark, depression to a normal, thinking, problem-solving life. This is the thought I had this morning in a brief five minute two step of my synapses. We received a debit card today from some financial institution. It purported to be my mother's stimulus payment, and after a little scrutiny indeed it turned out to be just that but in plastic form. Has anyone heard about this method of payment from the Treasury? I called the number, input the necessary information, created a PIN, and she had $1,200.00. Why the debit card from an unknown financial institution? The answer please Chuck Woolery. The answer is Washington does not have the money. They Bob Doled it out all ready, thusly my mother received her stimulus money from a federal loan. It is borrowed money. So I ask myself again this. Why would an American president knowing that America is twenty trillion dollars in debt and knowing that stagnant wages will not allow the middle and lower classes to be able to pay more taxes knowingly cut tax revenue? Washington needs money. They need money for things like stimulus checks, Social Security, Medicare, the Pentagon, and the rest of the federal government. Washington needs money adequately to run the country. That is their job. Congress, the White House, and their supporting agencies are a public business owned by the American people chartered to manage America. It is a moot point that they are elected by or rather chosen by common citizens. This is the way the Constitution is written, and two hundred and fifty years later America attempts to abide by its doctrine. Our country has strayed far from the Constitution's principles. I ask again, when Washington so direly needs money to function, why would a sitting president cut tax revenue by twelve percent? Because the common people in common jobs and with common wages have no ability to increase revenue, wouldn't the obvious focus of income for Washington be the affluent and the corporations? I'll ask the question one more time. If I hear the anecdote again that President Trump hates the post office, because he thinks its Amazon's whore, then he deserves to be shackled, publicly branded, and left in the public square. One more time, SHOUTING, if our president had not cut corporate taxes from thirty-five percent to twenty-three percent then Washington would be taking thirty-five percent of Jeff Bezo's income. This is why we have taxes. Taxes from the public and largely from the rich and corporate America must pay for our government. Before Ronald Reagan became president, the tax rate for the rich was seventy percent. Seventy percent of the income from the upper class was allocated to Washington to manage America. Ronnie changed that, and the Eighties began. Many people I know loathe Reaganomics. They are staunch opponents of Trickle Down Economics. My experience during the Eighties was that culture was at an all time high point. Film, music, art, and commerce were at a pinnacle in America. It was a beautiful decade, even if it was one of excess. Films were epic and masterful. Music was inspiring and human. Commerce, business for the common people was flowing. These were small businesses. Fashion, clothing, jewelry, appliances and more were innovative and useful. It was an artistic time, and beauty was key. Fully I understand things cannot be beautiful forever, because what goes up must come down. Now we are down, and mostly it is because America has no money. The money we have isn't worth much, because we don't have much. America has been feigning making money from Wall Street moving money around mostly in illegal ways. Hedge funds, misleading mortgages, cheap money, and greed lead Washington into the hole. In the hole they will remain as the guard changes. The guard are the same people as the people making the mistakes on Wall Street. This was the choice of our Elector College. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by over two million votes, and she should be president. Somehow our Electoral College, appointed representatives by the guard, the same people in Washington and corporate America, squeezed the Donald into the presidency. Fully I believe they were bribed. We do not know who these electors are. They are appointed by local politicians, friends of friends, of friends of the president. It was a bigger ruse than Al Gore losing to W. in the Florida court system. We all know it. The American president should be elected by the people. The Republicans have spent their entire tenure finding ways to manipulate the constitution in their favor instead of managing America. Managing America is a boring job. It does not exist in country clubs, expensive restaurants, and brothels. It is an office job, but we have turned it into something else. This president has turned it into television. President Trump gave corporate America twelve percent of Washington's operating budget, because they asked. For whom is he working, when America is twenty trillion dollars in debt and the Treasury does not have enough money to finish the stimulus checks? What kind of president would do such a thing? "Hey Donald, here is twelve percent to help run America. We know you need it and a lot more. Instead of looking for money for America, working for America, and investing in Americans, the Donald is loyal to the mob.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Joe Biden's Return
No one is reading my posts anyway. I use this writing venue as a way to maintain my sanity in an insane world. My mother recently has had a roller coaster ride of medical issues including an L3 compression fracture of her back. We have been at doctor's appointments for the last months, and consequently I have no musical expression. The only expression I have is of survival. I feel no blues, no gospel optimism, or any clever or sophisticated jazz. I am waiting for the musical expression to come to me, and it hasn't. Evidently there isn't any. Instead it is extreme meteorological low pressure, excessive rainfall, stagnant airflow, and humidity. It is hell. Try to get musical vibration going during these conditions is next to impossible. Why? The answer is, which easily could and will be disputed by our ignorant president seeing as everything that is not in his interest is a scam, a hoax, or fake news, musical expression largely which should be driven by emotional expression is communicated through and by air. Air you say? Thusly, in the words of Alton Brown. Thusly. Thusly music must have air to exist. Scientifically it cannot exist in a vacuum. No air, no music. At the moment we are low on air, thus low pressure. A low pressure cell is a weather front which has little air pressure. Its essence is its lack of air. Where is this air? Our government, President Obama to be exact, suggested we have a CO2 tax. This is an emissions tax. Because President Trump has removed the majority of federal governmental oversight by not funding necessary agencies and leaving integral leadership positions vacant, a void of responsibility has been created. During his three and a half years of presidency, more harm has been done to America than easily can be traced. We are seeing the results of this irresponsibility during the Covid 19 pandemic. Other than the depressing, misleading, and corrupt new reporting on television evening news, many things have corrected themselves during the "Shutter at Home" event. Bicycle shops have flourished. People have been more communal and active with their immediate families. A fair amount of bullshit has been sifted out of our lives. Back to music. Music is communication, and it is necessary because in this Age of Information, we have little information. We have sound bytes. We have video. We have tweets, posts, user groups, and instagram, but what we don't have is communication of enlightening nature. Once our public schools, colleges, and universities were the hub of this kind of communication. That has been changed, and now the iPhone has taken this role. Contrast and compare the information on your iPhone with the information contained in a human group. The difference is cyber life verses real life. For several decades I have known this would be America's juncture. Human evolution would either go back to the humanities or choose to live in cyber space for the next few centuries. Perhaps cyberspace has been interesting enough until now. Now the internet is wrought with misinformation, misleading propaganda, and utter decisive, politically motivated slander. Not only that it has sapped the economic potential of many once viable industries which provided income to millions of people. To mention a few, the music industry, retail, and pornography have been rendered mostly impotent by a T3 line. That is pretty powerful and not really fair. Who decided that pornography should be free to the consumer? That is not very economically wise. Who decided American popular music should no longer have monetary value? Who decided the grassroots infrastructure of American life no longer was relevant? When the world begins to fail and the computer systems are rendered inoperative, growing a vegetable, finding clean naturally occurring water, and breathing clean air will take precedence over anything. Still our President lives much of his live in a gold gilded castle in Florida. He does not understand that when Jesus returns to Earth for his second coming, those who have accepted him dead and alive will be transported to a new planet of His making, and the rest will be left to die horrible deaths on the deteriorating Earth. This is not so far in our distant future. What does this have to do with music? The death of the Earth and the human race all ready has begun, and again we are seeing it now. Simple remedies could save us now, but the small group of autocratic power players who hold most of the purse strings have proven to be deluded, demented, and self centered. They are not capable in any way shape or form of leading the United States or her people. In essence we are in the midst of a lame duct Congress and Presidency, and in historical fashion they are reaching their hands into the cookie jar and taking the last Oreo before departing Washington. It is our responsibility to choose a new leadership in November, one capable of understanding reality and who cares about the people who have built and inhabit America. Wish us luck.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
American Extremism by Jerry Springer
This is a time when I feel like not thinking. It also is a time when I feel like not making music. There are times I have found that resist exertion of positive energy. These are times when, as Jesus did, you sleep. In the lion's den you sleep. In the midst of a fictitious or real disease pandemic you sleep. Conscious logical thought often is punished in American society. For example Global Warming has been miscast a hoax. One only has to live in the American South to know full well that it is not. Thirty years ago it was not one hundred degrees during our summers. It was temperate, and there were seasons. That has changed, and there is no question that excessive heat from man-made pollution has plagued America. It has been proven in the last two months with air quality improving seventy percent during the Covid lock down. It also has been the coolest spring in a decade. Global Warming is no hoax, whether it is called that or Climate Change. I have no choice but to acknowledge reality, because I am hard wired to ignore untruth. We must live in truth, because denial causes depression. Even when the situation is dire, salvation only can be found through enlightenment. In our situation we are beset with misinformation, propaganda, and downright evil. It is difficult to know what to believe. I have with the help of instincts, emotions which react to truth or deception, come to some conclusions about Covid 19. They are opinion and opinion only. I am too fatigued to spend much time on something that should not be happening. We all have enough on our plates to keep us busy for two more lifetimes. I stopped listening to Trump over a year ago when it became clear he was delusional, senile, and self centered. Why would anyone listen to such a president? Government in America is not prime time television like he would like to believe. As such trying to separate fictional comedy from our own survival has become difficult enough. His presidency is a global disgrace. Accompanying it is the failure of the millennial generation to accept responsibility for the planet earth. As I shopped at the grocery store today I was beset with iPhone addicted youth donning no PPE and unable to accept the reality of a global health crisis whether it is real or fictitious. It was a personal assault to me to be around such people, people who were not concerned with the well being of their community. Their aesthetic is egocentric and selfish as is our president. The "C" in community has lost its meaning, and the Covid 19 in an abstract way is helping. We have had a grassroots revival of American ideals, and it is steeped in family. Families when not burdened with chasing the dollar find other more enriching things to fill their time. America should have been doing these things all along, but somewhere our economy failed us. Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation, and the prices of every commodity including insurance, health care, education, and transit have escalated. It is not an accident, and the lower and middle classes have sunken to a new found low in recent American history. The rich have and still do continue to get richer. With the onset of Covid 19 unemployment a revolution is at hand. American will not tolerate an oppressive government who will not allow them to earn a necessary wage in a free market socioeconomic system. This is a step toward Communism, and America has been drawing closer and closer since Donald Trump has become the American dictator. It is frightening. In terms the reality of Covid 19, there is so much heresy and hearsay floating around how can anyone know what is true? What we can agree upon is the first time in our lifetimes that the major television news networks have joined forces to pitch a scenario that may not be truthful. Most American would agree that what we have been witnessing is a scripted event conceived and implemented by politics. Because the television networks are complicit we are wise to from now on question each and everything they report. Why is the governor of New York a spokesperson for this event? It says to me that the mob is behind it, and these small people desire to be celebrities. Again this is a metaphor from our president and his misguided leadership. What leadership he has provided, like cruise ship music, is an example of the wrong kinds of things. Cruise ship music teaches musicians to play the wrong way, in the ephemeral words of saxophonist Marcus Sholar. It teaches you how NOT to swing. What Donald Trump has done to this country is monumental, and perhaps he is happy being the only recent president to incite chaos in society. Often I wonder how our local meteorologist can report the weekly forecast with a straight face. He is wrong one hundred percent of the time, and still he tells us with authority each evening his opinion of the upcoming weather. Perhaps his forecast is the appropriate one, and Global Warming promptly adds fifteen degrees to his prediction. This often is the case, although he usually is correct about the cold winter blasts that follow the jet stream. Some parts of mother nature cannot be manipulated. As for Covid 19 I think there is no doubt that it is a real virus, a virus naturally occurring in animals, and this version of it was manipulated in a lab from SARS in the last ten years. It either escaped on its own by mistake, or was administered to distinct predetermined locations in an attempt to ethnically cleanse or influence the upcoming presidential election. It is no coincidence that the African American and Latino populations were effected more. If an inference can be made, it would be these populations are more susceptible for cultural reasons whether they be health related, monetary, or political. It easily could be surmised with no conspiratorial influences that the sick and elderly were targeted for extermination. How else can the outbreaks be explained? A global vaccine to solve such a far reaching pandemic is fools gold and should be excluded from conscious contemplation. No person, board of directors, corporation, or politicians should profit from Covid 19. Instead the perpetrators of the pandemic should be publicly executed. The fates of both Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, gruesome, brutal, and public executions are the appropriate punishment for a lost regime. It only took time for this extremism to come to fruition in American politics.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Here's my synopsis. Any entity, institution, or individual who suggests America's educational systems should not teach in the Autumn quarter, semester, or school year simply is attempting to deny students their right to education. Since George W. Bush American government fueled by the corporate lobby have tried to suppress education in America. No Child Left Behind did more harm than good, and the level of public education today is a fraction of what it once was. Kids are stupid, and it is our fault. To be blunt and conspiratorial F. is a Nazi. I can see Adolph sitting behind him smiling. The sadistic general punishing America, deluded and narcissistic cackling into his toasty oats, injecting methamphetamine, and scratching his itchy genitals. Subject America, this America to a round of vaccinations instituted by Big Brother? Instead of ethnic cleansing with a manipulated SARS virus deployed from low flying aircraft, lets inject everyone Jim Jones style, pile them in a mass grave, and celebrate at Mar a Lago. F. should disappear.
Saturday, May 09, 2020
Communist America
What would most Americans consider freedom? I have a renewed perspective of freedom in America, and ironically it consists of breaking the norms which have been cemented in our family. Family upbringing is a necessary and integral part of who you become, but also it can be an albatross. If success was a part of your family tree, then family can provide invaluable opportunities in American society. I was fortunate enough to have had this privilege. (I would like to mention also the snooping aircraft that now is flying outside my home) A new U.S. Army defense contract provides our fleet of expensive and high tech helicopters at Simmons Army Air Base with a new surveillance package. It includes infrared surveillance, cell phone monitoring, and acoustical targeting. Evidently Uncle Sam seems to think my Covid 19 response is exemplary, because he keeps watching and listening. I also will take this time to say hello to the Ravensberg family, who recently moved back to town. He is an army intelligence, and from his peculiar behavior I think he may think I am quite intelligent, although I have not been able to get my summer garden planted. He watches me frequently, and because he seems not to be going to work has a lot of time on his hands. It seems to be a not gender specific family. At times it is annoying, having someone in your personal space. It works both way. Does his scrutiny infringe upon my personal freedom? I think not, because when I choose to cook dinner I can shed the norms of society and fix whatever I please. Most nights it is appreciably better than restaurant food. Anything freshly bought and cooked is more nutritious and more free of viral infestation. It is possible to contract severe illness from purchased food, as America has experienced with romaine lettuce. All kinds of bacteria lurk in the ground in soil, on foliage, and the hands of transporters. If normal precautions are taken food born illness can be prevented. Illness spewed from a low flying Cessna aircraft or carried across thousands of miles from low frequency sound waves is a more recent concern. We have been diligent following the guidelines of our state. I wear a mask and gloves when shopping and am careful to distance myself from others. This feels like a breech of my freedom as does a curfew, the lack of availability of certain groceries, and the incessant and repetitive drone of Coronavirus newspeak. With my renewed perspective of American freedom has come a new perspective of myself. To work a job one must yield. Your behavior is determined by your profession and its requirements. Rarely is one able to be themselves on the job. We all are actors, and the more successful actors excel and climb the social ladder. I didn't learn this until later in life, which battle to choose and which battles to let settle into the ground. We have a fair amount of freedom in America. It has been proven by the lax enforcement of Covid protocols. Where I live you can get away with most anything except propositioning a prostitute on a street corner. For some reason conservative leadership round these here parts seems to think this is a primordial sin, when in fact it could be considered the oldest profession. I see nothing wrong with prostitution, only how it implemented, mishandled, and corrupted. In other nations it is legal, regulated, and monitored. In America the ruling faction wants all of the pie, therefore we cannot allow prostitution. The government wants a piece of everything, and this has become the norm during the Trump presidency. I never have experienced it before. Empty cabinet positions, non functioning agencies and departments, and the conscious abandonment of oversight. For three years America has run amuck, and the results are tangible. It is frightening. While the pandemic has been a challenge, it seems par for the course during this particular presidency. Only was I trying to discern which party was responsible for the premise. At first I thought it was the democrats, until I saw President Trump's television commercial during the nightly national news. It was startling. Before the Covid 19 crisis has been resolved, our president is touting his administration's success with its handling like it had been preplanned. Two specific sound bytes were troubling. They were two different governors thanking the president for his response. They were spliced together in a way that may have misrepresented their true meaning. The commercial was more like a film trailer, which had been prepared months ago. During this outbreak of disease it became apparent to me that no one is at the wheel of this country. We seem to have a delusional and out of touch president who is enamored with the communist rule of Kim Jong-un. I could only ask myself who would vote for such a man, unless they want a communist regime in place in America? The Cold War is alive and well again, and America's eternal battle against the Commies or the Reds is at play again. In this case the parties in play are disguised, misrepresented, and covert. Communism already has found its way into American government, and unless voting citizens feel strongly enough about America's freedom it will take hold and grow. What will happen in the coming months will be a taste of that new life.
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