Thursday, May 14, 2020

American Extremism by Jerry Springer

This is a time when I feel like not thinking.  It also is a time when I feel like not making music.  There are times I have found that resist exertion of positive energy.  These are times when, as Jesus did, you sleep.  In the lion's den you sleep.  In the midst of a fictitious or real disease pandemic you sleep.  Conscious logical thought often is punished in American society.  For example Global Warming has been miscast a hoax.  One only has to live in the American South to know full well that it is not.  Thirty years ago it was not one hundred degrees during our summers.  It was temperate, and there were seasons.  That has changed, and there is no question that excessive heat from man-made pollution has plagued America.  It has been proven in the last two months with air quality improving seventy percent during the Covid lock down.  It also has been the coolest spring in a decade.  Global Warming is no hoax, whether it is called that or Climate Change.  I have no choice but to acknowledge reality, because I am hard wired to ignore untruth.  We must live in truth, because denial causes depression.  Even when the situation is dire, salvation only can be found through enlightenment.  In our situation we are beset with misinformation, propaganda, and downright evil.  It is difficult to know what to believe.  I have with the help of instincts, emotions which react to truth or deception, come to some conclusions about Covid 19.  They are opinion and opinion only.  I am too fatigued to spend much time on something that should not be happening.  We all have enough on our plates to keep us busy for two more lifetimes.  I stopped listening to Trump over a year ago when it became clear he was delusional, senile, and self centered.  Why would anyone listen to such a president?  Government in America is not prime time television like he would like to believe.  As such trying to separate fictional comedy from our own survival has become difficult enough.  His presidency is a global disgrace.  Accompanying it is the failure of the millennial generation to accept responsibility for the planet earth.  As I shopped at the grocery store today I was beset with iPhone addicted youth donning no PPE and unable to accept the reality of a global health crisis whether it is real or fictitious.  It was a personal assault to me to be around such people, people who were not concerned with the well being of their community.  Their aesthetic is egocentric and selfish as is our president.  The "C" in community has lost its meaning, and the Covid 19 in an abstract way is helping.  We have had a grassroots revival of American ideals, and it is steeped in family.  Families when not burdened with chasing the dollar find other more enriching things to fill their time.  America should have been doing these things all along, but somewhere our economy failed us.  Minimum wage has not kept up with inflation, and the prices of every commodity including insurance, health care, education, and transit have escalated.  It is not an accident, and the lower and middle classes have sunken to a new found low in recent American history.  The rich have and still do continue to get richer.  With the onset of Covid 19 unemployment a revolution is at hand.  American will not tolerate an oppressive government who will not allow them to earn a necessary wage in a free market socioeconomic system.  This is a step toward Communism, and America has been drawing closer and closer since Donald Trump has become the American dictator.  It is frightening.  In terms the reality of Covid 19, there is so much heresy and hearsay floating around how can anyone know what is true?  What we can agree upon is the first time in our lifetimes that the major television news networks have joined forces to pitch a scenario that may not be truthful.  Most American would agree that what we have been witnessing is a scripted event conceived and implemented by politics.  Because the television networks are complicit we are wise to from now on question each and everything they report.  Why is the governor of New York a spokesperson for this event?  It says to me that the mob is behind it, and these small people desire to be celebrities.  Again this is a metaphor from our president and his misguided leadership.  What leadership he has provided, like cruise ship music, is an example of the wrong kinds of things.  Cruise ship music teaches musicians to play the wrong way, in the ephemeral words of saxophonist Marcus Sholar.  It teaches you how NOT to swing.  What Donald Trump has done to this country is monumental, and perhaps he is happy being the only recent president to incite chaos in society.  Often I wonder how our local meteorologist can report the weekly forecast with a straight face.  He is wrong one hundred percent of the time, and still he tells us with authority each evening his opinion of the upcoming weather.  Perhaps his forecast is the appropriate one, and Global Warming promptly adds fifteen degrees to his prediction.  This often is the case, although he usually is correct about the cold winter blasts that follow the jet stream.  Some parts of mother nature cannot be manipulated.  As for Covid 19 I think there is no doubt that it is a real virus, a virus naturally occurring in animals, and this version of it was manipulated in a lab from SARS in the last ten years.  It either escaped on its own by mistake, or was administered to distinct predetermined locations in an attempt to ethnically cleanse or influence the upcoming presidential election.  It is no coincidence that the African American and Latino populations were effected more.  If an inference can be made, it would be these populations are more susceptible for cultural reasons whether they be health related, monetary, or political.  It easily could be surmised with no conspiratorial influences that the sick and elderly were targeted for extermination.  How else can the outbreaks be explained?  A global vaccine to solve such a far reaching pandemic is fools gold and should be excluded from conscious contemplation.  No person, board of directors, corporation, or politicians should profit from Covid 19.  Instead the perpetrators of the pandemic should be publicly executed.  The fates of both Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, gruesome, brutal, and public executions are the appropriate punishment for a lost regime.  It only took time for this extremism to come to fruition in American politics.