Sunday, June 30, 2019
The Truth About Cancer
North Carolina is no stranger to controversial, unconstitutional, and unethical and immoral legislation penned in Raleigh's statehouse. With the intentional exorcism of Christianity from public policy and consciousness, corrupt lawmakers, the pawns of America's military industrial complex, have dissected grass roots values from the hearts of our human souls. Is this once puritan ethos condemning romanticism appropriate for the longevity of our state and nation? With God's words a distant echo it would be difficult to discern the philosophy of America. If the prophet Muhammad were to cast his gaze upon the barren and stricken landscape of America, what would he see? What is God thinking? Evidently it is not of importance. A new order of gods and goddesses had risen to prominence in a coup not unlike the fall of the Roman Empire. Unlike Germanic barbarians foreign oligarchs have invaded America in a clandestine siege seizing the power of the media and manipulating its once truthful message into a barrage of misleading hearsay. Uneducated citizens lacking a thorough publicly-provided education have been coerced into a naive, vulnerable, and selfish narcissism unable to separate reality from fodder. The eager shouts of, "Socialism" waft on the breath of Trumpians, and yet they know not what they say. Governor Roy Cooper is coerced into handing CSX Corp. twenty million dollars, a company which posted profits of 835 million dollars in the first quarter of 2019. Rest assured that that money is the quintessential metaphor for Socialism. A publicly owned means-of-production is our tax payers dollars. Roy himself, as an agent of the state, is subsidizing the very jobs that CSX will create. Rest assured that the profits which are created from such an intermodal terminal will go to private shareholders. They will not be distributed equally to the residents of Rocky Mount, North Carolina. A few subsidized jobs purporting to revitalize a depressed economic region which suffers from corporate pollution are the token. CSX has descended upon the Eastern Seaboard like the bubonic plague. People die mysteriously in Fayetteville from cancer flourishing from cellular mutation caused by exposure to EMF energy. Still it has to be exposed. Fayetteville is the triangulated waste dump of industrial pollution. At least Kinlaw Farms have been stopped from spraying animal urine and feces onto growing crops. What other maladies yet are to be uncovered in such a contentious area?