Tuesday, June 04, 2019

Agent Orange and the Chinese Air Force

5:45 a.m. Monday morning.  "Good morning, Fayettenam!"  It begins.  Tally?  7:26 p.m. non stop train funk.  (or it could be military funk)  The 82nd Airborne is deploying to A. this summer.  It is not yet summer.  I hear the bombs bursting in air.  (The military's targeting system?)  It is not out of the realm of possibility that defense contractors are using infrasound targeting.  Also it could be ultrasound targeting.  The Fayetteville Observer reported that the Army's new radar system used sound waves to target shells.  (that is not on its website)  We are plagued with two invisible killing machines.  Microwave energy which widely is being used for everything from Direct TV to your iPhone.  Imagine the thump of Larry Graham's bass, its power and effect upon the human psyche.  Low frequency driving musical tones.  Now imagine a sound equally as powerful, but you can't hear it.  How is that possible?  Evidently America believes we are that stupid.  We are stupid anyway and not to sound like a complainer.  I was reflecting on it yesterday.  You try not to notice, but when you actually do become aware of what America has become.   It ain't much.   We are so lost, so ignorant, and so naive.  We have no soul.  We have become an army of slaves.  Some make more money than others. What is this noise other than a useless rant?  Let's reflect for a moment, although I am so fatigued from the same thing that bothered DeWayne Craddock.  [sic]  Whenever I write about CSX Corp, my situation always worsens.  They know, and they punish me.  Does the Army, Ground Forces Command, and L3/Harris do the same thing.  This, ladies and germs, is not an exaggeration.  Within two minutes of walking out into our backyard and beginning a conversation, our private surveillance jet flies over the tree line of our home.  Within TWO MINUTES.  That is an attentive operation, and I would be so bold to say they are spending the taxpayers money for jet fuel.  Are they no?  Is it the military's command jet equipped with a 360 degree phased array radar listening?  It is no joke we have aberrant electricity in our home.  There was not a cloud in the sky last night, but Direct TV was breaking up?  What gives?  What gives?  What gives is the annoying FBI Cessna with a muffler that begins its rounds flying over our treeline about the same time the funk begins.  I am not talking about P Funk.  Maybe its not an FBI shell plane.  Maybe it is GE, seeing as their ES44AC locomotives have the capability to transmit diagnostic data to a satellite, except that they need in intermediary to get its microwave transmission to the eye in the sky.  30,000 is the number they purport to have in service.  30,000 locomotives.  Maybe it is a private FBI shell plane paid for by the taxpayers policing CSX Corp's mainline tracks which run directly through downtown Fayetteville.  Security.  It's unnerving, and I am sick of it.  China may be Red, but America is becoming orange.  Oh, we all ready have.