Sunday, June 02, 2019
The Dangers of Molybednum
There are moly mines all over Colorado. More importantly there is a molybdenum close to Columbine High School. The Taos Hum came from a molybdenum mining operation near Taos, New Mexico. Hum reports have surfaced all over the United States, again. "I visited the White House, again. I met the President, again," in the ephemeral words of Forrest Gump. Perhaps his words are not ephemeral, since I am quoting them. Quoting lines from film, and I dare say "film," is not a practice championed by our Millennial generation. One reason is because film rarely is used anymore in the production of motion pictures. It is too expensive, celluloid film stock. That is ironic. Something that has kept its value in American society so much that is not longer is feasible to use. It priced itself right out of existence. This is a tragedy, just how analog sound has been rendered almost obsolete by something as inane as an MP3 audio file compression algorithm devised by the Germans. Minidisc sounds better, but the prospect of free music, downloading and sharing music over a network of PC's via "them internets....." It ruined in the recording industry in America. Digital film dare I say it has ruined motion pictures. Now the theater is just another venue for Big Brother's propaganda. Go pay admission price for a fancy theater and watch digital renderings and listen to digital sound. Eat stale popcorn. Listen to the same commercials that are on what is left of television. That isn't good business. That isn't good art. It's not good for anything. Film, the pinnacle of motion picture production becomes extinct, and cheap, tawdry, amateur hobby is hawked to us in its place. I look at the date of the movie knowing that anything with a 20 at the beginning is a gamble to watch. That is when the true craft of film making died. We could and should define film making first by using film as the medium and second by requiring the craft of a camera man. Let me be specific. A hand held or shoulder mount digital video camera does not suffice. That is why there are so many bad movies, and I use the term movie loosely. We should coin another definition for what we are being offered as "movie entertainment." In traditional terms they are not films, but they masquerade or exist in the vacuum left by film. It is like replacing a Mercedes with a Fiat. The Taos Hum was created by an underground conveyor belt built by General Electric. The mine which used it since has gone bankrupt for more than one reason. It was guilty of a host of environmental violations. It could not compete with more cheaply made Chinese products. It was a nuisance which plagued the lives of millions of Americans for many years. It's demise was not that it was recognized as a public health hazard, but because it just couldn't take the pressure of a whole nation complained about its existence. The same thing needs to happen to the rail industry. Millions of hummers need to know that this sound now is transient and comes from the inverters on AC traction locomotives. It's that simple. The challenge is that the burgeoning freight rail industry (CSX Corp. posted 835 million dollars in profit in their first quarter of 2019) is a mammoth lobbying machine. Like Big Oil they pay Washington to look the other direction. That's what lobbying is. It is not slander. Since the inception of AC traction which is contingent upon the PC computer and an inverter stack, the rail industry has kept anyone from looking at this new combination of technology. How dangerous could it be? 4400 horse power of knocking, turbo-charged, diesel power, coupled with an electrical monstrosity capable of producing varying frequencies of alternation current at the touch of a throttle or notch lever. This undulating AC is not in our power grid providing energy to Americans. It is on a carriage capable of traveling anywhere in the country, near your home, near your church, near out school. This freedom of mobility largely is unregulated. They can go where they want when they want at the discretion of the governing structure of the company. For CSX Corp, that is Jacksonville, Florida. There is no legislation or no laws that govern how many of these units can be in the same proximity at any given time. While CSX Corp. has a power axles rule, it doesn't matter. In our town alone there are three rail carriers operating in tandem. This is the problem. This is why people are sick. This is why people are depressed. This is why people feel psychotic. The human body cannot accommodate so much aberrant air born electricity, vibration, magnetism, and air pressure. it is inhumane, and if the EPA took a moment to study it many of the problems of this nation would be uncovered. It's time.