Sunday, June 02, 2019

Fayetteville's Trawling Aircraft

When I am encumbered for a blog introduction I listen.  Today's topic?  Many things, but the blog premise is simple and the same, except no one is motivated to take it seriously.  That is my fault, because I have not yet entered the arena of politics.  I rant and rave in my blog, and there are some who read what I write.  Google might be the more attentive entity.  With their network of satellites and now wandering ethics, it is easy for them to hear or see the lives of everyday Americans.  Because philanthropists are few as our billionaire entrepreneurs, instead they choose to listen to average Americans.  Reality TV figured this out over a decade ago.  Why pay professional people a living wage when you can exploit Americans for less?  This has become the way of America.  We are  in slave times with people working for food and shelter.  The railroads have risen again to ascendancy with the help of Washingtonian republicans.  Although CSX Corp is breaking records for revenue, no one is interested in their practices.  This also has become the way of America.  "Take no prisoners."  Previously I wrote the Department of Defense pushed back on the EPA for its responsibility to require clean up Gen X and other harmful solvents on American military bases.  Not only are soldiers and their families fighting asbestos and mold in their homes, it is conceivable like at Camp Lejune, their ground water is polluted from dumped military cleaning solvents and fuels.  That is not the premise of this blog entry, although it is important.  What is more important, and it supercedes cancer-causing contaminants, is why psychotic Americans are committing small scale genocide.  America staunchly refuses to ask this question of herself.  Instead helpless Americans shout at the NRA, Congress, and the Supreme Court.  Like I protest in my blog, they congregate and abstractly protest not knowing what or who to target.  The question again should be, "Why are psychotic Americans committing small scale genocide?"  Why are Americans of all ages killing for example?  Even with accomplished psychology, which like many American values and commodities have lost their value, we would have have a difficult time explaining why our indigenous population is committing mass murder.  We do not try.  The great disciplines of academic study surprisingly are mute.  How can psychology still be offered as a discipline in academia if their profession will not concede that we have a crisis in our nation?  Why have they not sought to understand it?  It is because America no longer is a society of thinkers.  We have been conditioned to be consumers, consumers of easy, shallow, addictive products, emotions, and ideas.  The country will die of it if we do not change this.  I have yet to research Virginia Beach.  I suspect that if I do a simple GOOGLE search on several broad subjects, including location and socioeconomics, something will appear.  I would rather present as a formal premise there is another entity which is causing this psychosis.  Recently we spent $2,360.00 insulating our home.  This was not for attic or crawlspace insulation.  This was for sound dampening sheetrock and Green Glue compound, which when used according to its instructions, will reduce low frequency sound.  I have been ranting about infrasound since I discovered its source in Columbus, Ohio.  Thanks to a negligent EPA and FRA, the CSX Corp with its huge economics gains has continued on its same path.  Norfolk/Southern, who declined to invest in AC traction at its inception, has succumbed to its lure.  "What have we got to lose?"  Progress Rail, a subsidiary of Caterpillar who purchased the Electro Motive Division of General Motors, was found removing functioning locomotive parts and tossing them in the Pacific Ocean at Long Beach, California.  They could sell the railroads new parts.  Now more than one ethically challenged company is offering rebuilds for aging locomotives.  GE units are too expensive to continue to buy, and they are selling their rail division.  Suddenly AC conversion has become the new thing, except that no one other than the rail companies knows what it is or its potential harmful effects.  Railroads have complied with EPA tier emissions.  They have installed devices which function like catalytic converters reducing exhaust gas, but has the EPA or FRA ever measured the temperature of a functioning diesel electric locomotive?   Take a look at one of Captain Justices Youtube videos of train activity in North Carolina.  You will see the super heated exhaust gases streaming from their smoke stacks.  You will see that heat distorts the air like a mirage in the Mojave desert.  It is surreal.  The railroads purport to be "Green," but it is all a smokescreen.  These locomotives are a large cause of global warming not just because they produce heat, but because they burn our oxygen and pump their refuse around the globe with constant infrasonic energy.  Infrasound.  I say it again.  It never stops, and it acts like a convection oven pumping harmful gases around our earth.  Although this is disruptive and disconcerting enough, and infrasound has its own ill effects which are common and documented, it may or not be what is causing psychosis in the American public.  Let's add AC traction to the stew.  Progress Rail will tell you how wonderful it is, and maybe only considering tractive effort this is true.  Let's consider the technology.  CSX Corp. rebuilds and uses one GP-38-3.  It is a local.  It putters around day and night at its own discretion with no oversight or regulation as to its potential pollutants.  What could be coming from such a machine to cause potential psychosis in a human being?  The effects of EMF energy also widely is understood and documented, but no one pays attention.  Instead we continue to add microwave energy to our air with a plethora of products available using this frequency of the electromagnetic spectrum.  Microwaves aside, which are harmful to the human organism, low frequency radio waves or more specifically low frequency alternating current are not copacetic to the human brain.  Why? Because our brains use alpha, beta, and theta waves to think and feel.  If these frequencies of electrical activity are bombarded with external extraneous electricity, they get tired and submit to the offending frequencies.  This airborne electrical activity has the capacity to change our thinking and moods.  What else has this capability in our lives other than a vengeful ex spouse?