Wednesday, April 10, 2019

The Government Which Kills Its People

As I sit in my bedroom I cannot enjoy music.  There is too much diesel knock.  My left ear is ringing from tinnitus, incidentally which is caused by low frequency sound waves.  This occurs only if you all ready have hearing loss in your ears.  For whatever reason the lost frequencies "ring" with the sound of tinnitus.  No one wants you to know that, especially GE.  Most low frequency pollution is caused by transportation of people and freight.  Planes and trains.  Not only do my ears ring from this pollution, I have diesel knock in the air in my room.  I can hear the sound of the diesel engine with my ears.  I can feel its vibration on my skin.  Consequently we are going to spend two thousand dollars insulating the upstairs of our house for low frequency noise.  The common wall for both upstairs bedrooms also is a wall for our garage attic which is untreated.  There is a huge open cavity, the attic, which has no insulation.  It is a garage.  It is hot in the summer and cold in the winter.  That air abuts this common wall of both upstairs bedrooms which for the most part is untreated.  It partially is treated with rock wool and blackboard from l962.  That is all, and it is very ineffective for insulating these bedrooms for temperature and low frequency vibration from diesel trains and military aircraft.  We are going to spend two thousand dollars to treat it.  This is after having siding and double pane windows installed.  It will make a difference.  My father, before he died, used to say, "I don't want to go into that room.  I may be dead in the morning."  It didn't used to be a problem, before AC Traction widely was implemented both by CSX-T and now Norfolk Southern.  N/S refused to buy AC locomotives at first.  Now as their fleet ages they are rebuilding their C40-9W's with alternating current traction motors.  Consequently large invasive inverters are installed and a milieu of electrical processing in an auxiliary cab.  Mobile AC generators capable of producing 4,400 horsepower per locomotive.  They are ambulant.  Constantly they move under the cloak of anonymity through our communities, our hillsides, and our cities.  They are omnipresent, and yet they are unregulated just like our airlines.  The FAA and the FRA have a cozy relationship with the industries they are meant to govern.  Hence not much regulation occurs.  Instead a lot of bribes are offered in the way of lobbying.  Gifts.  The American people suffer.  The demise of the United States is occurring at the behest of Washington, and they do not care.  They are not concerned with their reckoning in the afterlife.  Only they are concerned with their wealth now.  Trump.  These are the evils against which Jesus preached.  It would be a shame to see the world end in our lifetimes, but no one seems to care in Washington.  Scores of Trump operatives have been discovered, indicted, tried, and convicted, and the Mueller Report is a hoax.  I can't listen to it anymore, a pathological liar who is our president.  Nancy Pelosi won't impeach.  Two more years of decline and eventual anarchy we have to which to look forward.  We are spending two thousand dollars insulating our upstairs, so that the unregulated rail freight industry serving America's military industrial complex will decrease its presence in our lives.  It is a token.  Even with this treatment the amount of electricity in our environment is toxic.  Our batteries inexplicably run down.  The power grid is tamped down, and our lights are dim.  Our WiFi network drops out, and often there is a standing wave in our home.  I can't tell if it is acoustic or electromagnetic, because sound and electricity behave in similar ways.  Since the Marines came to Fort Bragg to practice heavy artillery an omnipresent low frequency wave has been in our home.  It is variable and responds to sound.  If I raise my voice, yell at it, strike an enlightening thought or emotion, or anything else that should be private it responds by changing its frequency.  A few years Amanda Dolasinsky wrote in article in the Fayetteville Observer about the Army's new targeting system.  It is a mobile radar system which helps gunners target their shells.  Specifically she wrote that after the round is fired the system emits sound waves.  She wrote "sound waves," not electromagnetic waves.  Radar is a standing electromagnetic wave.  When I e-mailed her and asked her if this was a mistake, she didn't respond.  We can assume she was accurate, and that our defense industry is using dangerous infrasound in its products.  The companies that built America like GE and the companies which are supposed to protect us instead are lowering our quality of life.  I would go as far as to say they are killing us.  I have friends that agree the food industry slowly has been killing us as well.  Who is responsible for discovering and prosecuting this activity?