Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Space Farce

Can we please dispense with the dribble?  Gump's acting Secretary of Defense, a Boeing operative, who all ready is in hot water for killing hundreds of innocent civilians suggests the United States Air Force is the appropriate arm of our armed services to manage a newly sanctioned "Space Force."  Space Farce more likely.  We went through this with Ronny.  "Star Wars."  Luckily it became a string of hit movies instead of yet another HAARP.  Open up a sewer and toss America's dollars into the collar, just holler, puking up dollars.  Who more appropriate to suggest an additional pork barrel in addition to the dysfunctional Department of Homeland Security?  W's only response to 9/11 was a new government agency devoted to national security.  As the twin towers were bombed he continued to read to a class of school children.  Cheney masterminded is ascent to power in this moment.  The mere suggestions that socialism was represented by former president Obama.  America purely is a socialist entity.  Our government is a rampantly out-of-control bourgeoisie corporate owning and regulating facade of capitalism.  There is no free market.  The tax payers dollars subsidize this bourgeoisie menagerie, the federal government, the "Swamp," Congress, and the White House.  Gump is the most contemptuous, narcissistic, dishonest president in recent history and still the hillbillies holler for white supremacy.  Our president is the guiding force for renewed violence and racism in America, and yet Ms. Pelosi won't impeach.  He incites murderous violence with his flippant words and takes no responsibility.  The very definition of Beelzebub, agent orange is reveling in his exoneration.  The Mueller report vindicating his regime of collusion but not.  Everyone close to him in his franchise has been indicted, convicted, and imprisoned.  Clearly he has shown his true strength, letting his hired guns take his fall.  Vindication is America's largest joke.  Pelosi won't impeach.  Space Farce, a Boeing operative acting as the Secretary of Defense masterminding his company's resurgence after killing hundreds of innocent civilians with the dropping of a few bits.  Regulating themselves into a pickle with the FAA and FRA sucking their teats like hungry calves, calves that become steer with castrated testicles foraging shit out of the ruts.  Socialism!?  We are a socialist nation, a socialist economy, a socialist entity.  Those offensive bourgeoisie Washingtonians shouting, "Socialism!"  Let's create an entire new arm of the United States military and let Boeing equip it with no bid contracts offered up by Cheney and Rumsfeld.  We've been through this before.