Tuesday, February 05, 2019
Trump, and the Nazi Party
My mother had her tooth pulled this morning. Trump's inaugural committee was subpoenaed. About the same thing. Instead of instigating campaign finance reform, immigration reform, or voting reform, things sorely needed in American society, our castrated Congress in the great model of Mitch McConnell spin the wheel. It it lands anywhere else but these letters, "Looky there! We are not capable of drafting any legislative reform, because that would require policy knowledge, wisdom, and a conscience. (Some legal savvy would be helpful but not required) Lawyers are a dime a dozen, and most immoral. Morality, a sense of good and bad, comes from parental upbringing, education, schooling, and God. If there were no God, no religion, how would the human race know the difference between right and wrong? That is why we have God, and religion, and spirituality. They are not necessarily conjoined. Native Americans had a sense of spirituality, but it may not have included God as we know Him. Many cultures have a sense of spirituality without necessarily mentioned God. The cultures that do may call Him God Allah, Buddha, or something else resembling a graven image. (say a cow) What matters is there is something else other than us. There is a being greater than man. Man it has been proven in history does not have the capability to distinguish right from wrong. He needs to be guided by Christ. If Allah say there are a bevy of virgins waiting in heaven, so it is okay to murder a lot of innocent civilians, I would digress. This is a metaphor for corruption. There is no greater example of corruption than our president, Donald Trump. Corruption stands squarely on its soap box, looks us straight in the eye, and lies. Corruption lies for its on well being. Corruption does not care about its fellow man. Corruption is selfish, vain, narcissistic, and evil. Corruption disputes learned fact, truth, and integrity. Openly it decrees the opposite of known truth. Maybe Mitch is doing the right thing, keeping your enemies closer than your friends. It has come time for Big Brother to disappear. 1984 is too present, too stark, and too frightening for America to survive. No civilized, humane, Christian nation can stare evil in the face every day. We, as God taught us, must react. We must fight. We must conquer evil with the might of our own swords. We cannot restrict the right to own guns, because those we will end up fighting will be our own people. This is how America won the Revolutionary War. A well-armed militia is a nations last resource for survival. Fascism has inbred in America. If we do not recognize it now, and defeat it now, another holocaust is possible. All ready the Trump administration is persecuting immigrants. In North Carolina U.S. attorney Robert Higdon is prosecuting legal immigrants for voting. These legal residents, who have yet to be sworn into citizenship, have been coerced into voting by our own election officials. Judge Boyle is convicting them of misdemeanors and fining them $100.00. The U.S. Attorney's office has subpoenaed thousands of documents in North Carolina wasting valuable state revenue and clogging the legal system. Who instructed Hidgon to do this? Donald Trump.