Monday, February 04, 2019
Senility in Disguise
As soon as the government shut down was resolved the trash news reappeared. For a glorious month we had sedate, contemplative, compassionate news. Things were in perspective in the media. Then Trump "caved." Trump Caved became the headline on most news sites. There was no check and balance. There was no dissent. There was no third party opinion about how the agreement had been forged. Only "Trump Caved." The mud slinging began anew. Trash news. The president started his episode over again like a broken record. There has been some notable news in the meantime. The President is disagreeing with his intelligence chiefs. They say there is no border crisis. The President is pulling out of our Russian nuclear deal. This is big news, and yet nothing much as been said. Superbowl Sunday it is. The President is slandering the Speaker of the House. His lies are every bit as real as Big Brother's. He looks you square and the face and lies his ass off. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, and still Mitch won't impeach. Mitch is getting paid big money for his silence. The lobbyists are lining his pockets with gold to support the Russian president. What other explanation could there be? Treason. Espionage. Things our of 1970's pulp fiction. There has been a lot of good news, and yet the mudslinging sticks as news. It is obvious all of the news is coming from one source, one corporate monopoly, Newscorp. That would be Rupert, or now his sons. (Why is Steven Colbert on on Sunday night?) I am confused. They want you confused. I am fed up with academia. There are more Phd musicians around Fayettenam than wetbacks all struggling to support their habits, families, and inclinations. Music, music, music. Too much music, and too many academics grandstanding about how important their music is. The state of music in America? Shit. Spotify? Rhapsody? New players in the music business? How is this possible, streaming services? They don't even make music. They just have come to control it. It is dismal, which is why academia is important. They understand the real music except maybe for jazz. Jazz is not a transgendered teenager. Jazz is African-American classical music. That is what Lee Morgan said. That is what John Coltrane said. The white man called it jass later to become jazz. There are many streams of it, and not all of the transect. There is that ridiculous uncle Tomming band on Colbert. Buckwheat is in the house, and a Broke Back Mountain drummer. Jazz would not be happy. TV bands have sold out, and Paul Schaeffer has left the building. They play pop, and they look like they hate it, the Roots that is. Never was that band so nervous as when Phil Collins really played the drums. Conan lost his band, but the show is better. TBS made the right decision. Why is Colbert on on Sunday night? Confused. Bill Hurley cleaned up Hay Street in Fayettenam. All of the physical and moral depravity of Fort Bragg harnessed by strip clubs and rightly so. Those G.I.s need a place to let loose. Prostitution is legal in most countries. It is not a big thing. Here, in Fayettenam, with the dough boy legislature, the bathroom bill, the ban on skateboarding, and old money. It is suffocating. So Bill cleaned up Hay Street, put the Lebanese mob out of business, and magically morphed heterosexuality into LGBT. Instead of T & A now you can go downtown and buy a big load of man-hating lesbian. The new democrats are talking about solidarity, bringing the country together. A separatist movement like LGBT has presented itself is the wrong approach. Demanding notoriety for your sexuality. When I watch a play, a musical, I don't want drag. I don't want to see a drag show. I don't want to see Daddy Warbucks in drag making fun of his gay self. There is a place for that, and it is in the underground clubs. The theater? "Annie?" When you destroy the heterosexual dynamic that has been a core part of our existence for thousands of years, then the art that was based upon it withers into drag. Men are wrong to desire women. Not what God said. It's a good thing that the bad guys are going to jail. Bill in Philly. The priests should be next. Harvey. Roger. It is great to get those predatory buggers off the street and out of power in America. Let the women rise up. Hating men. That is another thing, and it is separatist. Cordoning off your group from the mainstream solidarity does not create. It creates fissure, and that is what Trump is about. The Grand Poo Bah of the KKK spewing his vitriolic rhetoric, inciting race riots, and slandering the House Speaker. It is senility.