Friday, November 30, 2018
Twerking the Gerkin
I don't feel like writing anything. I am hungry. Veggies were not enough for dinner. The leader of our band skipped out of our two upcoming gigs. Trump wasted 220 million taxpayer dollars sending American troops to the Mexican border in a midterm election publicity stunt. The national is at a record-breaking high. Television sucks, because like most valuable professions directing has been demeaned by the internet. Like the former aesthetic of music, there is no such craft. Use a webcam to shoot your show. Import catalog music and foley effects from digital samples. Use average everyday people as your actors. The only thing of value by America is the iPhone. The decline of the great civilization of America. There is not one thing that represents our former glory. Not one. Trump is the metaphor. Cheap con artist capitalism. Like my compadre Larry Tutt says, "It's ethnic cleansing from within." Kill off the population with poisoned food, alcohol, and tobacco. Inflate the price of medication out of reach. In due time the riffraff will disappear to the bottom. Only the affluent will be left, and only one generation of them. They do not care about tomorrow. Only gluttony for today. It is happening now what has been prophesied in the Bible. The strongest storms, the most grievous events, the end of the world. Best to get right with God. He will be coming soon. I tried to watch Buble, and although he can sing it was sickening. If we did need to ethnically cleanse America start with that horrible gutter slang, that new version of ebonics that was made hip by Stax records. Let's see how far we can distort the King's English in the name of being hip. People so stupid that they do not know how stupid they are. Buble, a Canadian, rapping in that ridiculous ghetto-speak. If I were teaching today, no student of mine would utter a phrase of that worthless dribble in my classroom. "Outside with your friends." The fall of the great empire, America. The sordid, the corrupt, the dishonest, the lying patron of an unguided narcotic gathering military stationed at Fort Hag. Why else would we be in Afghanistan? They did in during the Viet Nam War shipping drugs to the post in dead soldier's coffins. Why not now? Why not do it on a massive obvious scale? We have no other GNP. All the manufacturing has been outsourced to Coolies for pennies on the dollar. We have polluted China and India for our own shallow gain. Now Mexico and China are in Fayettenam playing revenge. Gen X in our water. A Mexican cartel running DAK Americas using Fayettenam as its railhead. At least Cargill is an American company. They could care less about the citizens of Fayettenam. They let their ES44AC-H run 24/7, a standing wave in my bedroom. When I sleep it is like two invisible superheros punching my body, my kidneys almost shaken from my abdomen. Fort Bragg laughs as their high school drop out G.I's practice tying down fighting vehicles on flat cars in a tunnel. Now they want a new tunnel under I-295 for the cost of two million, a fraction of the 229 million Trump spent to send troop to the Mexican border to try and get republican votes in the midterm election. But (beginning a sentence with a conjunction) he is coming down. I want a hamburger but WalMart and Harris Teeter no longer are open 24 hours a day. That is a major inconvenience for Fayettenam. No more shopping after midnight when the ghetto-speaking rats are away. It's a shite state of affairs.