Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Merry Prince of Thieves

So many things to express.  No one listening.  Only the goons who work for the railroads, uneducated mobsters who would rather kill a family than do the right thing.  “I’ve got to look our for my own!  There’s a depression on.”  Hurricane Florence renders almost a million North Carolinians without electrical power, and yet the trains tool on.  All day, all night, forever heating a storm-ravaged landscape, insult in the face of adversity.  No one knows.  No one cares.  We are without power, and yet which industry is most capable of providing power?  Which industry owns, leases, and operates thousands of ambulant generators used only for corporate gain?  These generators continue to operate while hundreds of thousands of citizens suffer without power.  A Class 5 hurricane pummels the Atlantic Seaboard, and yet portable, ambulant, reliable generators operate in anonymity hovering incognito near all of us.  Generators capable of providing power for all of us, and yet they don’t.  They operate for themselves.  They operate for their own corporate earnings, for their board members, their shareholders, and their CEO’s.  This is Capitalism.  Make it clear that a private corporation unwilling to help the masses in times of need.  It is clear.  They only want our money.  Who made this possible?  Deregulation of industry.  Now the rich, who were made rich from the lower and middle classes, continue to get rich while the middle and lower classes become extinct.  Now it is okay for industry to not give a corporate dump about the people, the customers who fill their pockets.  Like Wall Street Hedge Fund managers, they think earnings are magic.  This is Capitalism.  Take for the rich.  Disregard those who buy and consume their products.  Spit in the faces of Americans who created their lifestyles, their wealth, and their security.  Only a governing body with morality taught by God can administer a fair and honest America.  W. set the standard without even knowing it.  Regulation is stifling growth.  When we bailed out Wall Street corporate bonuses were given to CEO’s for their responsible leadership.  Will any of the twelve percent of federal corporate tax be invested back into the middle or lower classes?  Will small business loans become available again?  Will college students be given financial rewards for their scholarly excellence?  The answer is no.  W. set the course.  Deregulation.  Let the corporate top feeders skim all of the excess capital for themselves.  The rest of us are just immigrating wet backs.  Illegal aliens.  Spics.  Japs.  Kikes.  Krouts.  White trash.  Let’s reestablish the KKK, ethnically cleanse America, and exert the Arion nation.  The rest of us?  The middle class, the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free?  Electrocute us with ambulant, self-serving, hovering generators who in the face of Earth’s warming, burn us into smoldering ash.  The rage against the machines.  It is true.  It is here, and they are being run by Uncle Homer and his inbred son, Stitch.