Monday, July 24, 2017
Tesla or GE?
Back in the day a Russian scientist discovered your could transmit electricity through the air. He devised plans for a huge dish-like transmitter that would provide electricity to the world for free. Free. That lasted a nanosecond, about the amount of time it took California to realize that residents could not live without water. They would have to pay for it. It wouldn't come freely from rivers, streams, springs, wells, or the sky. Californians would pay for it. The movie Chinatown starring Jack Nicholson is a tell all for the water industry in Cali. The country has been drinking bottled water long enough to make a lot of people rich, enough bottles of plastic to circle the globe how many times? Many of these bottles wash up in Hawaii. These bottles are not biodegradable. Plastic. Plastic is indispensable for certain things. We have manufacturing plants here in Fayetteville that produce plastic. DAK Americas produces polyester resin. Chemours and DuPont do the same. They like the Cape Fear River. How did an entire generation, Gen. X, end up in the Cape Fear River? Not the Baby Boomers. Not millennials. Gen. X. Probably today like most things, no one remembers Gen. X, the generation of slackers who wear loose flannel and hang out in the Pacific Northwest. Gen. X actually is a pseudonym for another chemical that causes cancer. They changed the name so the EPA would not list it as a cancer-causing agent. These two plants have been releasing it into the Cape Fear River for decades. Only now are the residents of Wilmington, the North Carolina, the city with the highest opioid abuse, finding out their drinking water is tainted with a carcinogen. General Electric is a fitting title. There is electricity in the air in Fayetteville 24/7. My home is full of it. "I know, I know. You're up too. Why not call the line of ------ and get some sleep. Let me handle your problems." This is what lawyers do. I jest not. We know that the Ground Forces Command at Fort Bragg must communicate with their charges. The Navy's antenna is in the tri-state area of Illinois and Indiana. It is 150 miles long, the length needed to transmit ELF radio waves to submarines around the globe. That was before HAARP discovered how to do this with the earth's ionosphere, generate and transmit low frequency radio waves using the earth's ionosphere as a vessel. Talk about global warming! That must be a conspiracy! There couldn't be such a thing, except that its finding are documented clearly on the internet. Perhaps their mission statement was different, studying the earth's ionosphere. The ultimate goal was substituting the earth's ionosphere for a 150 mile long wire transmitter in the tri-state area. Once the U.S. military wanted to use the earth as its transmitter. It was called GWEN, Ground Wave Emergency Network. When nuclear fallout from a Russion missile blocks radio transmission in the air, GWEN was supposed to save the day until citizens decided they didn't want electricity in the ground. I have electricity in the air. A bit of electricity in the air is common. It used to be FM, AM, UHF, VHF, and HAM radio. When Clinton, with his infinite wisdom, auctioned off the dangerous frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to telecommunication companies, that changed. Aside from NASA nobody much was using satellite-based telecommunications. The military. When they practise in the field at Fort Bragg for war, they practise with a telecommunication system which uses a point-based node system. A little airplane flies around the battlefield transceiving signals from a truck and a satellite at the same time. It connects the system to allow troops on the ground to communicate reliably. Sometimes I wonder if the little plane that flies over our neighborhood daily is that. Other times I think it is an undercover FBI plane (of which there are many attached to nameless shell companies) searching for human trafficking and drugs. Other times I think it is a Department of Homeland Security Kingair 350 cruising the Department of Defense Arms Room on Executive Place behind Harris Teeter. It is a gated building in which able bodied individuals and computer manage each and every munition at Fort Bragg. That is a tall order. Maybe I should call them up and order a few RPG's on my Paypal account. I could Local Pick-Up seeing as before the Mirror Lake Damn was breached you could get there in less than three minutes. That's how close it is to our house. The CSX-T mainline is almost as close, and you know it every hour. Amtrack bursts through at one and four in the afternoon and twelve forty and one twenty in the morning. These prime movers are unmistakable mainly because they are the same engines GE has manufactured and supplied to its ES44AC's. Why would a passenger engine need a sixteen cylinder, turbo-charged, alternating current prime mover? It's because this pulsing, vibrating, electrifying monolith is strong enough to supply the coaches with electricity in addition to HEP, head end power. If the prime mover is in Notch 8, it is spinning at full capacity producing full power, even if the throttle is down. If and when the engineer remembers while stopped he can drop the engine down to Notch 4 where there is sufficient electricity to supply the coaches. When they stop in Fayetteville often they forget, and the severe vibration of the GE7FDL-16 is in my bed. While not quite as severe as Raytheon's Active Denial System, it is similar. It is not as bad as what happens in the morning when all the wheels are turning in America's industrial machine. This is when it feels like I have barnacles living in my crotch and on my neck. Subliminally in my lucid dreams, I try to scrape them off like a fungus, but they are electricity, and they are in the air, our air. Electricity should be in wire.