Monday, July 24, 2017

America the Useless

Almost I am too tired to write, but I am going to do it anyway.  Alot of things have been on my mind, I just can't think of them at the moment because of fatigue.  The most ironic one is America is the world's champion of Capitalism, and yet we are the nation who refuses to pay a living wage.  We outsource jobs to Asia which pay a fraction of a wage in America.  This tells you two things about the failure of Capitalism with a capital C.  First there are no good jobs, even if Americans did want to work.  Textiles, farming, and manufacturing have been moved abroad.  Only yuppie jobs exists for millennials who have been brainwashed to believe the rhetoric of General Electric.  On that note a class action lawsuit is in the future for GE.  The amount of destruction their 30,000+ Tier 4 locomotives create.  Trains are quieter than ever.  You never will hear it coming, until you are squashed like a bug.  They have managed to replicate Raytheon's Active Denial System.  While their device may not be powered by a gyrotron, it produces the same effect.  Heating of the skin with millimeter waves.  Each of the 30,000 ES44AC's have a transceiver which send and receive microwave data from GE's control center.  I will stop on that note, and continue that while in the job market we have a repeat of the l980's yuppie era, we do not have the spoils.  The spoils are blockbuster movies, cutting edge music, fashion, and romance.  If you are stupid you can work for one of these companies.  If you are average, you can flip burgers or work at Walmart with no benefits and collect food stamps.  Walmart is a pinnacle of Americanism.  It builds one of America's most wealthy empires, and disables American Capitalism at the same time.  How have workers become so persecuted?  Slaves were persecuted, and evidently those plantation owners who grew the South have evolved into business owning biggots.  Americans deserve no more than to work for slave wages, which is a misnomer.  Slaves were not paid.  The biggest joke in American history is a country which championed a free market system, and yet now refuses to pay workers a living wage.  The second thing that is proven as corporations have out-sourced their labor forces is inflation in America has risen to an unlivable rate.  Americans are and have been living on credit since Bill Clinton proclaimed everyone should be able to own their own home.  This is when credit became a commodity and companies were giving it away.  This is what created the eventual housing bust, when borrowers defaulted on their inflated mortgages.  We live in a country of the affluent, who refuse to pay civil wages and demand exorbitant costs for their products.  We must change the name from Capitalism to something else.  Monopolism.  The affluent in America have a monopoly on the populace, and government is doing nothing about it.  We allocate 700 billion dollars to the Department of Defense and starve the population.  America is great.  Go figure this out.