Saturday, July 29, 2017

Rob Zombieland

Of all of the possible things on which we could be focusing...  
Is a national LGBT presence one of them?  I am not a homophobe.  I support and agree with an individual's right to choose for themselves.  Also I feel God is a supreme power more worthy of determining what His flock should do and be.  It's a bit like Bill Clinton's "Don't ask, don't tell."  It worked.  Obama changed that.  Now the Donald is tweeting that he conferred with his Generals, and they decided it is not appropriate for transgender persons to serve in America's military.  So be it.  He is our Commander and Chief.  I can think of other more relevant things on which our country should focus rather than, "Am I a man or a woman?"  When it comes down to it, when nuclear war emerges, or when Christ makes His second coming to earth, is this really important?  Do we not have more worthy things about which to think?  If one must contemplate this issue, then do so.  How is an entitlement to the poor any different to an entitlement to the LGBT community?  I'm not positive that being born into the wrong body qualifies for a government subsidy.  Marriage, heterosexual marriage, does carry its tax benefits.  So does death.  I do not agree with making your personal life a platform for existence.  That's why it used to be called a personal life.  Intimacy.  Love.  These are not public matters.  They are personal.  If and when Christ did arrive to judge, what would He say about America?  The meek shall inherit the earth, that's what He will say.  That could be a long wait. What do we represent?  Nothing comes to mind.  That must be why I depressed.  The only thing that was in my mind today as I cut the grass was Rience Prebus.  I don't know how to spell his name.  It kept spinning around in my brain.  Beavis.  Mischievous.  Flat top.  Rence.  Pence.  "Oh my God!"  Why am I thinking about this.  The answer is because this is what is in the national news.  Mooch is in, Prence is out, or Prebus, or whatever.  Beavis.  It's all such an incredible diversion.  Hide the rich, exploit the poor in America.  That is what it all comes down to.  Congress can't function, because the grift simply is between the rich and the poor.  There is no ideology.  There is no philosophy.  It's rich versus poor.  "Let them eat cake."  Let them eat dogfood.  If we believed what we saw on television, you would think the new me is private, greed-oriented, misleading companies casually quizzing the masses into buying their dog food.  I am so sick of seeing it.  Quizzes.  Cronies asking millennials ridiculous questions convincing them their product is better.  "Let's all get in the game!"  Question answer, like Pavlov's dog.  Operant Conditioning.  Rote labor.  Let's say it enough on television, and they will begin to believe it.  It really is demonic.  It is Newspeak.  Coercive advertising disguised as a seminar quiz.  Shit man.  No wonder the state of the country is what it is.  Everyone is brainwashed texting while driving, snapping selfies, and ?  The land of the living dead.  Yes.