Sunday, July 30, 2017

A Toxic Gas Chamber

So "Snarky Pundit" and "Storm is Coming" keep posting on my Facebook feed.  I agree with most of what they are saying.  It is a shite state of affairs.  There was a post with an article from 2010 listing the six large 'mega-corporations.'  I am familiar with most of them, and I have been railing against them for years.  I don't much like Rupert and his gang.  An Aussie from down under doesn't have much insight into the workings of America.  Put some shrimp on the barbie, R., but your news is not good news.  It is a corporate monopoly.  Why would anyone want to own everything?  Jesus Christ.  Talk about ego.  When I was in high school, a time I don't reminisce about often, competition was great.  At the great Terry Sanford High School, FTS, the educational system was functioning at an efficient rate.  John Sasser was the principal.  He was tough.  He was strict, and the education you received was coveted.  Likewise at UNC-Chapel Hill back in the day, your education there was exemplar and coveted.  I'm not sure that is true today, but education in general in America is a pale, polluted, distant shadow of its former self.  Lolita.  Pale, polluted and distant Lolita still maintained the immense power always she possessed.  It is a kind of spiritual quality, one of which I am aware.  I have had it at times.  The last few days it has been absent with a capital A.  I guess I am an egotist for saying I once had the Mojo.  In the field of music you must.  It is called talent.  America does not have talent.  No longer, and all of the imported exploitative television programming which is stroking families, not paying professionals, and robbing the arts of their true history needs to be chucked.  I'm not sure, but it may only be in America we have become this selfish, immediate, and shallow.  Then again our ability once to excel from our environment has ceased.  Our environment no longer supports us.  It supports industry.  It supports big business.  It supports mega-corporations.  It supports government.  It supports the military, but it does not support citizens.  Washington, at the behest of the Koch operation, General Electric, defense contractors and the rest are trying to squeeze blood out of a stone.  Our blood, and there is none to be had.  It has been clear to me all along.  It is called Fascism, and it is not far in our past.  The genocide of the Jews in Nazi Germany was less than a century ago.  That atrocity, which is a distant memory to most of us, looms grievously on the American horizon unless something happens.  Perhaps it will be a revolution.  Perhaps it will be a coup.  These tendencies have been brewing for decades, but like most relevant news they are swept under the rug in lieu of cheap meaningless fodder.  If I had to choose between the Koch operation and Cargill, I would choose Cargill.  They feed people, and they are private.  They too are a corporate monopoly, but it seems they are just.  When you have too much money and are not faced with soul searching scenarios, possibly your morality recedes.  It is not needed, to justify yourself in God's eyes.  Who is God anyway?  He is not a Koch, and they would tell you that.  Self-righteous assholes.  It seems most of them live in Texas.  Competition was great when I was in high school.  If you wanted a girlfriend, you had to work for it.  I did.  I excelled in music.  Although it did not feel like it, it earned me a true love, an experience of seven years that shaped my life.  I had mine early, and never will I forget it, but it is becoming difficult.  Good times, good vibes, and relaxation are not on the menu for America at the moment.  Instead it is rebellion against the most dysfunctional White House in recent history.  I try not to pay attention, but I cannot feel good about my personal pursuits when they are not supported by the Presidency, the leadership of America.  It must be better in other places.  Canada perhaps?  They do not swing.  Europe is not pinnacle of success.  Scandinavia has a proven track record of happiness and intelligence.  To excel competition is necessary.  We have it in high school, college, and professional sports.  No longer do we have it in media.  Everything is owned by the same untalented wannabes, and no one is willing to pay professionals to do their jobs.  Somehow in America paying a labor force has gone out of vogue.  Possibly the 2008 financial crisis created this vacuum, when American dollars were paid out to individuals who shelved the money overseas.  Things got tight.  When I was working for Royal Caribbean, Captain Bil Wright informed us that 1 billion of their dollars no longer were there.  That is a thousand million to you and me.  The current defense budget which has been proposed is at 850 billion dollars.  @#$%^!!!  That is 850 thousand million dollars.  We could rebuild the world with that scratch, and yet it will go to Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Sierra Nevada, and the rest.  These companies do nothing for the average American, except try to charge one billion dollars for an F-15 jet.  A hammer is $300.00.  This is government.  Trump was supposed to bring his business savvy to the White House, cut corners, and get things done.  Side step the bureauocracy, Mitch and his fuddy duddies, McCain, and step up to the plate for Americans which voted for him.  Has this happened?  So far his personal dealings have been deflecting shit.  There was a brief period of bringing jobs back to America.  There was a tense moment with Tim Cooke.  Apple runs a slave compound somewhere in China.  Without competition, without innovation, and without diversity Capitalism cannot exist.  It becomes Fascism, and that is what we have.  It won't be long before they'll be shipping us off to gas furnaces.  The world all ready is reaching that point, and maybe that is the goal.  When you have mansions, servants, and money to disguise toxicity, like your conscience your opinion of the world becomes less urging.