It is clear that Amazon's stock worth escalation, while benefitting to the consumer, is not a simile for other internet commerce. Amazon's continued investment in its own company harkens back to what Reaganomics should have been. Profits in a company reaped from lower tax brackets are invested back into the company. That has not happened in the twenty-first century. Instead wealthy stock brokers and hedge fund managers have shelved their earned American assets overseas. Certainly they no longer flow, hence it is impossible for them to trickle down to the lower economic classes. The internet bubble all ready has popped. It turns out that there is no such thing as easy money. A company, whether flesh and blood or cyber, must be conceived, organized, and administered in a prudent way. This is why people attend business school. No where is this more evident today than in broadcast news. The internet has ruined not only the music business, but to a large part television and network and print news. Simply news is a particle of what it once was. Newspeak. Fake news. Lies. Propaganda. Simply bad news. Amateur news. Millennial news.
Edward R. Morrow would be turning over in his grave. We are reaching a crucial turning point where the truth completely will be disguised in America, and Americans will be left solely to their own good judgment. Maybe this is the way it should be before the telegraph, before a wire connected the country. My personal news reading and television watching almost has stopped, because there is nothing of value to watch. What is left of the networks is a corporate monopoly controlled either by the Aussies down under, the Scandinavians, or the ignorant. Who is more capable of devising and broadcasting American news and entertainment? Certainly not these factions, as they well have proven. Our airwaves are polluted with juvenile, manipulative, brain-washing filth. The veterans are all dead.