Monday, April 17, 2017

Rails Gone Wild and Diesel Knocking

If and when a society becomes unable to govern itself, its justice becomes unjust, and its civility turns against the masses, what choice does a society have other than to seek to rule itself?  If the written laws penned by the founding fathers are ignored, and tyranny becomes law, what choice does a society have other than to seek to rule itself?  Extremism, like North Korea's leader, is a petulant, irrational, psychotic child seeking emotional pleasure.  Terror is the same, an aberrant, ignorant, ineffective means to seek to rule one's self.  If extreme terrorism were intelligent and effective, unlike its attacks on the twin towers, it would seek out and target those processes which undermine governance and justice in America.  We have yet to see such activity.  Instead we see random acts of juvenile vandalism.  If processes were implemented by intelligent beings seeking to reestablish the fair governance of America, they not would be violent callous acts of cowardice.  They would be precisely measured intents to balance the unbalanced scales of justice.  Injustices of society easily are targeted.  We face them each day, yet Americans continue like docile and apathetic cows.  Other countries have had their revolutions.  Why should America be different?  If we are a country of immigrants, then Russian, French, and Irishmen should know the way.  American history seeks to disguise these truths to protect her immoral flanks.  The rich shall rule.  These tasks are so simple. They are so plain.  The injustices of American society are rife.  If anyone with a conscience, reverence for God, and integrity were to seek to find justice in America, it would be easy.  Instead staged, innocuous, random messages of cowardice are wielded by angered animals.  What is with America?