Tuesday, May 30, 2017
America's Judicial System and its Test
Jeff Sessions. Appoint an Attorney General who is experienced suing the E.P.A. Close down the E.P.A. Allow your family-owned business to conspire with Russia. Cover up treason in the White House. Appoint Jeff Sessions Attorney General. Expect the Attorney General not to prosecute treason in the White House. Ask the F.B.I director not to investigate treason in the White House. Eric Holder. One of the most influential and effective Attorneys General prosecuting fraudulent American banks involved in the 2008 financial scandal. Appoint Jeff Sessions with a history of suing America's Environmental Protection Agency. The impeachment will be forthcoming. Two peace signs and a microphone, for Trump.
Turning off the Tube
It is a toss up the worst ad on television. Is it Mark Wahlburg lying to make a buck, or is it a major car company quizzing millennials into believing their car is better? My most revolting response comes from seeing a car company use a tactic once utilized by SouthWest. You are a freshman in college, and you get a call in the dorm instructing you to a meeting in the student union. You don't know what it is, and you are a bit flattered that they have called you. You feel honored that your academic credentials may have given you entree to a coveted society. It turns out to be SouthWest. They want you to sell magazine subscription or books door to door. The seminar is bathed in academia. You think you may be in a legitimate collegiate seminar, until fifteen minutes in it begins to dawn on you. I got up and left with some obstruction from one of their cronies. Not long after others began to leave the coercive meeting. Cult. Brainwashing. Pandering. Next television advertisement that elicits violence from me. Kids standing around being quizzed in a leisurely way about which car has received the most awards. Awards from whom? Academia. The Academy. Washington? Awards in America are contrived and given by corporate America. Any guise to coerce you to believe anything else is fraud. Advertising which, like many things in America has sidestepped check and balances by any ethics probe, contends to be enlightened for the sake of selling your product is a fake. Not fake news. Fake Advertising. Fake Advertising should become more alarming, since its intent is to influence you into spending your money. Fake news, and there is a lot of it, you can turn off. You can choose not to read. You can choose not to watch. Now television, which has become fife with Fake Advertising, you also can turn off. You can choose not to watch, until once again if ever it becomes honest.
Being Played (like The Donald)
Perhaps it is a pioneering concept of the millennium in America that the President in actuality is not a figure of intellect, wisdom, and goodness. Perhaps satan's return to earth all ready has occurred accompanied by the cloaked presence of Jesus Christ. Did the Bible foretell whether humanity would know when Christ's second return to earth transpired? Perhaps He is here. Perhaps both they are here, Jesus and satan. It is not a new scenario, and it could explain some of the current chaos in world politics. I have suggested before that satan's return to earth all ready has occurred. Possibly and without humor it was the election of George W. Bush, the most destructive president in the history of the United States. At least with societies' mediocre knowledge of American history it could be true. I am certain there were worse presidents near the turn of the century when Trusts controlled America. This was when wealth controlled America, and never has it changed despite the continual re-writing of American history. Before long the history books will be changed, veterans will have died off, and America will be at the hands of the ignorant evil. Perhaps all ready this is the case. In all certainty the presidential election was "rigged," just not the way Donald suggested. It was rigged in a much more legal and upstanding way forged by our founding fathers and manipulated by the wealthy. The electoral college, of which the populace knows little, was bribed. This is why it was created, to ensure that the ignorant slave-satruated populace could not choose their own president. The office of the president must be chosen by the wealthy, or at least influenced by the wealthy, because the wealthy always have controlled America. Perhaps at some point there was an American Dream. There was a time when this wealthy populace was content enough to allow the common man to prosper, because it made them look good. Recently as Senator Warren has written, "Keep a hunk of it, and give the rest back to those who pay your upkeep." It is the quintessential battle between Capitalism and Socialism, and it is a toss up. Certainly Capitalism has failed at no greater level than today, and its demise has been fertilized by Fascism. It is easy to forget peering into one's iPhone, streaming entertainment on all one's devices, and otherwise burying one's head in the sand that the Nazi Party, the political militaristic faction who slaughtered the Jews in an act of mass genocide, is only seventy years in our past. It is a skip in history, and rest assured those Nazi's, those white supremacists, those Arion skin heads who since have transformed into ISIS all ready are well ensconced in the infrastructure of America. We may be fighting extreme muslim terrorists in the Middle East, but it is a smoke screen. Simply ask the question for the hundredth time. Why is America in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban?
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
Selling Soap and Selling Out
Not only is it disconcerting, it is downright disturbing to watch Mark Wahlburg lie on screen. Film acting is one thing. Because it is entertainment the line of demarkation between fact in fiction often is skewed. In the recent tradition of the Sony playstation and its purveyors largely who have purchased Hollywood, reality is blurred. It was their intent, in the words of its programming engineers, consciously to blur the line between fact and fiction. Newspeak, all ready understood by the novelist George Orwell, was created in America. It continues unabated today championed by the Murdoch clan, the ailing and now deceased Roger Ailes, and the rest. America is a cloaked charade nary reflecting Christian ideals or God. We are enveloped in evil, and our psychological sensibilities are marred if not raped by the rail industry. The pollution it creates permeates the essence of human existence, and our existence is a distant and dying shadow. It will not be long before we all are dead. You cannot spend money when you are dead. You cannot pull a U-Haul behind a hearse. Evil cannot exist without human hosts. It is imperative that the second coming of Jesus Christ be soon. Earth will not survive the way it is. If America once were a pinnacle of innovation and leadership, General Electric has created the canvas of our own electrocution. We are dead, and it is their fault. There is no reason even to pay attention to the presidency. The Donald, hopefully in the words of Ulee Jackson, will step aside. Like Tricky Dicky he should understand that he may not be a bad person. He is and was not qualified to be present. Neither was Hillary. Whitewater, a personal server, blow jobs jobs in the White House, and pandering of political influence for money under the guise of Secretary of State have sealed her after. If presented with apples and oranges, certainly the American public would choose their scandals. Bill largely in part is responsible both for the economic collapse of 2008 and global warming, which is humanities most grievous foe. Earth will be burnt to a crisp in less than twenty years. The movers and shakers, the evil, the far alternative right cannot spend money when they are dead. These lessons only can be learned through experiences, and why must humanity sacrifice our planet? Is it not proper for these people to be eliminated? America, in our most recent half-century, have lived a life of privilege. Millennials have not faced war, poverty, or evil. The human sacrifice which has allowed America to prosper is a distant mist. Life, which by example of God's sacrifice of His only Son, must be given to ensure the continued existence of the human race. Decisions must be made, and lives must be sacrificed. The weapons of mass destruction are not in Iraq. They are not in Iran. They are not in North Korea. They are not in Afghanistan. They are in America, and the cheerleaders of war, the defense industry, are those championing political chaos, public ignorance through the deprivation of our public schools, and economic inequality. It is difficult not to tune out, tweak in, or die in depression. Instead with no control or power we must watch and wait for the affluent to annihilate the human race. Shouldn't it make good entertainment? Instead we have Simon.
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Amazon X
It is clear that Amazon's stock worth escalation, while benefitting to the consumer, is not a simile for other internet commerce. Amazon's continued investment in its own company harkens back to what Reaganomics should have been. Profits in a company reaped from lower tax brackets are invested back into the company. That has not happened in the twenty-first century. Instead wealthy stock brokers and hedge fund managers have shelved their earned American assets overseas. Certainly they no longer flow, hence it is impossible for them to trickle down to the lower economic classes. The internet bubble all ready has popped. It turns out that there is no such thing as easy money. A company, whether flesh and blood or cyber, must be conceived, organized, and administered in a prudent way. This is why people attend business school. No where is this more evident today than in broadcast news. The internet has ruined not only the music business, but to a large part television and network and print news. Simply news is a particle of what it once was. Newspeak. Fake news. Lies. Propaganda. Simply bad news. Amateur news. Millennial news.
Edward R. Morrow would be turning over in his grave. We are reaching a crucial turning point where the truth completely will be disguised in America, and Americans will be left solely to their own good judgment. Maybe this is the way it should be before the telegraph, before a wire connected the country. My personal news reading and television watching almost has stopped, because there is nothing of value to watch. What is left of the networks is a corporate monopoly controlled either by the Aussies down under, the Scandinavians, or the ignorant. Who is more capable of devising and broadcasting American news and entertainment? Certainly not these factions, as they well have proven. Our airwaves are polluted with juvenile, manipulative, brain-washing filth. The veterans are all dead.
Edward R. Morrow would be turning over in his grave. We are reaching a crucial turning point where the truth completely will be disguised in America, and Americans will be left solely to their own good judgment. Maybe this is the way it should be before the telegraph, before a wire connected the country. My personal news reading and television watching almost has stopped, because there is nothing of value to watch. What is left of the networks is a corporate monopoly controlled either by the Aussies down under, the Scandinavians, or the ignorant. Who is more capable of devising and broadcasting American news and entertainment? Certainly not these factions, as they well have proven. Our airwaves are polluted with juvenile, manipulative, brain-washing filth. The veterans are all dead.
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