Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Being Played (like The Donald)

Perhaps it is a pioneering concept of the millennium in America that the President in actuality is not a figure of intellect, wisdom, and goodness.  Perhaps satan's return to earth all ready has occurred accompanied by the cloaked presence of Jesus Christ.  Did the Bible foretell whether humanity would know when Christ's second return to earth transpired?  Perhaps He is here.  Perhaps both they are here, Jesus and satan.  It is not a new scenario, and it could explain some of the current chaos in world politics.  I have suggested before that satan's return to earth all ready has occurred.  Possibly and without humor it was the election of George W. Bush, the most destructive president in the history of the United States.  At least with societies' mediocre knowledge of American history it could be true.  I am certain there were worse presidents near the turn of the century when Trusts controlled America.  This was when wealth controlled America, and never has it changed despite the continual re-writing of American history.  Before long the history books will be changed, veterans will have died off, and America will be at the hands of the ignorant evil.  Perhaps all ready this is the case.  In all certainty the presidential election was "rigged," just not the way Donald suggested.  It was rigged in a much more legal and upstanding way forged by our founding fathers and manipulated by the wealthy.  The electoral college, of which the populace knows little, was bribed.  This is why it was created, to ensure that the ignorant slave-satruated populace could not choose their own president.  The office of the president must be chosen by the wealthy, or at least influenced by the wealthy, because the wealthy always have controlled America.  Perhaps at some point there was an American Dream.  There was a time when this wealthy populace was content enough to allow the common man to prosper, because it made them look good.  Recently as Senator Warren has written, "Keep a hunk of it, and give the rest back to those who pay your upkeep."  It is the quintessential battle between Capitalism and Socialism, and it is a toss up.  Certainly Capitalism has failed at no greater level than today, and its demise has been fertilized by Fascism.  It is easy to forget  peering into one's iPhone, streaming entertainment on all one's devices, and otherwise burying one's head in the sand that the Nazi Party, the political militaristic faction who slaughtered the Jews in an act of mass genocide, is only seventy years in our past.  It is a skip in history, and rest assured those Nazi's, those white supremacists, those Arion skin heads who since have transformed into ISIS all ready are well ensconced in the infrastructure of America.  We may be fighting extreme muslim terrorists in the Middle East, but it is a smoke screen.  Simply ask the question for the hundredth time.  Why is America in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban?