Saturday, January 14, 2017
Elephants or Donkeys?
This is my question. With our great intelligence community, the CIA and the FBI along with the NSA, if Russia had such a large influence on the presidential election, whey didn't they catch it? I would say that is a major failure of intelligence, failing to catch cyber-hacking. Then again it is happening over and over and over. When a society, lead by irresponsible telecommunications companies, posts their sensitive material on a communal cyber "cloud," then why is anyone surprised that hacking is occurring? If you as a homeowner choose to control the security in your home wirelessly with a smartphone, and hacking is common, why would you be surprised if you home is broken into? The parties' screaming about Putin's influence in the election is juvenile and inflammatory. If you were Russia's president, and you were a war criminal, would you not do everything you could to influence international policy? Putin has been doing this for a long time. Only now do the cries go out, and it is sickening. It is indicative of what is to come in Washington. I staunchly have ignored all of it and choose rather to laugh at the president-elect's jokes. With the sheer amount of moxy in congress, surely appropriate checks and balances will be taken with Trump's cabinet. If there are aberrations then litigation is appropriate. Governor Roy Cooper is doing it in North Carolina. In his first few weeks in office his legal team all ready was at work challenging McCrory's preemptive legislation. This is my question. With the continual string of hacking and leaks in America, why did not any of the intelligence agencies detect any of this activity? It is because it is political slander, mud-slinging at the most base level, something that has been occurring for the last eight years. The entirety of America has been enticed into the cyber domain, and therefore it is appropriate was have been hacked. We are sitting ducks, and I am positive a network of backdoors are built into all of the online networks propagated by the computer companies. It only makes sense, and it is sickening. I see no recovery. Senile senior senators are not young and savvy enough it seems to even understand the issues. Maybe they are. Maybe it is just our corrupt media again inciting violence for the sake of news. I was asked once to use the program Dropbox to exchange scores of music, and I declined. There was no way I was going to place my original, copyrighted, unpublished music on a cloud ripe for the picking. It could be some guy sitting on a bed in New Jersey. Without good investigative reporting there is no news, and because evidently we have incapable researchers, writers, and journalists, this is what we get. Mr. Trump's example as a proponent of reality television is not helping. I am not alarmed at his approach, because it was invented to win a particular vote. Only now after some time has passed do I feel the escalation of bigotry and racism as a result of is incendiary campaign. It was not a good example for the country, because we as a populace and our government seem incapable to rise above it and set the example for humanity and effective government. It is interesting to me that the Republicans are on path to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and yet surely no one has taken the time or effort to pen a new health care law. This is the single reason why Hillary Clinton could not achieve this goal. Her call for universal health care was a scribble on a post it note. To actually enact legislation that will provide effective and affordable health care for America at the expense of our private system supporting wealth is daunting. The author of Obamacare achieved a milestone. While slowly after Obama leaves office the legislation with unravel with rising premiums, at least it has existed and covered millions of Americans. Although Hillary Clinton could not get the vote, she could have commissioned someone to devise the immense and far-reaching law that would achieve her goal. A look at other countries would have sufficed. Trump and Republicans say they will replace the Affordable Care Act with something more effective, but my question is, "Who is writing it" and "Where is it." I beg to differ on this point. If all Congress can do is squabble over computer hacking, how will they ever muster up enough energy to overhaul the medical and insurance professions? I don't see it. Mr. Trump does spew a fair amount of hot air, but I feel he has good intentions. The appointing of the CEO of Exxon Mobile to the position of Secretary of State is mockery. I feel like America has regressed to the decade of the l970's when we were stuck in a war in Viet Nam and fighting domestic violence at the same time. Are we in a state of war giving the President a set of unique and powerful executive privileges? Never do I remember a President since Jimmy Carter who was engaged as the American President until the very end. With President Carter unfortunately he was humiliated by Iran. President Obama conversely is massing artillery and troops at German military bases in an attempt to fortify NATO's presence and intimidate Mr. Putin. Money is being spent in huge quantities as it was for the last eight years, and still we have no solutions for an ailing economy. I have not felt this particular emotion in a very long time, and I have no reason to feel it. I am not being spurned by a spouse or lover. Although I write sometime incendiary rhetoric, I have no power to effect change in any way in America. Cable television monitors our home, and often what we do or speak about immediately shows up on television. While I may sound deluded, what better way is there to monitor American homes than with an Amazon Tap or Echo and Alexa's keen ear tuned in? I don't care if they do listen, but the feeling I have must be a metaphor for the tension in Washington, DC. Unresolved adolescent angst. It has been decades since I have experienced being mistreated on purpose, because someone disagreed with my opinion or something I did. Acrimony, rancor, enmity, animosity, or malevolence are such negative and useless emotions. They solve nothing. Attempting to discipline or achieve one's goals with such behavior is juvenile and immature, but we are that now as a nation. Until adults once again inhabit Congress, we are doomed.