Sunday, April 03, 2016

What is Multitonality?

In a nutshell the squirrels ate some of my Hostas.  Some of them survived and are poking out of the ground.  (I really wish Mac would drive his pimped up ride somewhere else for the evening)  Instead my head continues to spin as my open window directly faces the Milan Yard.  Our house is the only two-story dwelling on this side of the street whose upstairs windows face Milanity.  (Of course I mean the Milan Yard)  I don't know why CSX-T calls it the Milan Yard.  Rest assuredly there is no vague similarity to Milan.  I have been to Italy more than once, and your ears don't ring from rampant tinnitus caused by infrasound, another term American ignores.  Instead we sell you hearing aids at a 1000% mark up.  Seaboard Coastline came first.  Atlantic Coastline came first.  John Snow so fit to fuse the Chessie System with Seaboard hence CS.  X was their term for "whatever."  T stands for transportation.  This company has revolutionized container shipping.  Logistics and inter modality are a part of their corporate lingo.  They put stuff in big metal boxes, and then transfer them from ship to truck to rail, or rail to truck to ship, or truck to ship to rail.  You know they have built a railroad in Iraq, or Syria, or somewhere over there.  They have built a gas station too, and it cost the American taxpayers a pocket full of kryptonite.  (I mean coin)  I hope UNC wins tomorrow night.  I don't hate the squirrels for eating my host bulbs. There are a few plants left that are healthy and sprouting.  (I need to take a shower, but my funk is abstractly pleasing)  Multitonality is a harmonic system that embraces all the sonority of all twelve keys equally.  It is tonal, but it "in" all twelve keys at the same time.  Therefore you cannot analyze the music with a key signature.  You can use harmonic analysis, and it is the best way to study the music.  Chord symbols are not just efficient for jazz.  I have created a body of piano music, over eighty works, many of which are the length of sonatas, for a grand tee total of a Mercedes Convertible.  "Give that man a prize! I put it to you Greg.  My friends are crazy.  They are losing their minds."  Multitonality.  These pieces embody the emotion and intimacy of jazz and the eloquence and restraint of classical.  The melodies will prove timeless and will last as long as learned society exists.  These melodies will become America's newest Great American Songbook, if allowed.  You would not listen to a piano work by Anton Webern, but you would listen to a work by Paul Reichle lll.  This is my revenant.  This is my country. (but not really, because America sucks)  It's not really my revenant, but I wanted to mention that frightful mockery of a movie purchased by Leonardo DeCrappio.  I like Leo's work wholeheartedly.  I don't like The Revenant.  I like Birdman, and I was elated finally to see it.  It is a far cry from The Irrelevant.  Anyway, I have no vehicle for this piano music.  America is not sophisticated enough to acknowledge the Gershwin brothers.  We have taught our yute about Miley Cyrus, Tayor Shaft, and ?