Saturday, April 09, 2016

For Lack of a Better Idea

I had to get the name of GE's CEO off my blog.  It was polluting space.  To add insult to injury it seems my favorite transportation company is thinking about bringing its intermodal hub to Fayettenam.  There was a lengthy editorial in the Fayetteville Observer about how great of an idea this is.  Jobs it seems.  Construction jobs to build the place.  The writer loathes the term "Fayettenam."  Not sure why, because it is accurate.  He says that the entire  town (because Fayetteville is not really a city) relies upon the military's dollars.  The military have nothing to do with Momentum Foods, DAK Americas, DuPont, Cargill, and Goodyear.  Those plants are not reliant upon the military in any way, and often I think how they contribute to the local economy.  Someone works at these places, but rarely do we read about their services.  It is like they are invisible.  CSX-T may be the most visible of all industry in Fayettenam, because they service the U.S. military.  That is not well publicized either, their relationship with Fort Bragg.  I have surmised they haul aviation fuel out to the post pretty regularly.  They do this at night under the cover of darkness.  They are very stealth about the process, but I know the sound of the locomotive horn that pulls these tanker cars.  It is offensive, but then again a train horn should and is meant to be offensive.  It says, "Get the hell out of the way.  A train is coming."  Rail accidents have been in the news recently, because an Amtrack train slammed into a backhoe killing two workers.  It seems the "system" that is supposed to be installed on trains to keep them from colliding is not fully implemented or failsafe.  Why do they really need this anyway?  Isn't that the job of the railroad to handle traffic like the aviation industry?  I would think that huge control room in Jacksonville would be lit up like a Christmas tree.  Oh, Amtrack we are talking about, a government owned entity.  Pass the buck.  I still am waiting to hear why the Amtrack engineer had his train going over a 100 m.p.h. when it derailed killing quite a few people.  Bueller?  The world is not a nice place, and living in the Carolinas is becoming more embarrassing.  If the Boss cancels a concert here for political reasons, well.....  It's a shite state of affairs.  My sentiments about CSX-T building an intermodal hub here?  It was not that long ago the irresponsible government of Fayetteville sanctioned and paid for a rail traffic study.  I have read it.  They suggested Fort Bragg or rather CSX-T build a connector, so that two mile long 450 car military trains would not block downtown traffic.  Nada.  The spur those trains back into is a hideous nightmare.  Rotten ties, spikes hanging akimbo, and rails like the Swamp Fox roller coaster.  Who could a massively loaded military train meant to defend the sanctity of the United States possible rely upon that trackage?  Bueller?  The community is ignorant of the intrusion of rail traffic, except for Kim Hasty.  When she and her judge purchased their new home, little did they know 25 freight trains pass through downtown each day.  I know, because my left ear rings when a train is nearby.  Tinnitus is caused by low frequency sound if you have some hearing loss.  The frequencies that ring are the ones you are missing for some reason.  My left ear tinnitus is like a spidey sense.  It never fails me.  I am listening to it cycle at the moment on and off as a huge freight train is assembled.  This happens nonstop for the most part.  Occasionally we get a break, and it is like bliss.  Bliss on tap.  My ears don't ring, there is no low frequency pressure, and Fayetteville feels like it did before the onset of AC traction.  It feels good.  Because Fayettenam all ready has been sacrificed to the railroad gods, what is the harm in building yet another heavily trafficked rail yard nearby?  People murder each other daily, and no one knows why.  Why do you feel shitty?  Bring it, but soon enough eminent domain will be overturned by an honest and diligent congress and the Supreme Court will rule that the government cannot take your property for private gain.  Trump was a part of this legislation, and as the months unfold no one is qualified to be president.  I am glad the media is doing a better job about exposing the hyperbole and rhetoric and letting Americans fight it out in true American form.  Duke students protested for eight days demanding the firing of some high ranking administrators for racial bias.  Party on, Garth.