Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Outsourcing of Oxygen

In my continuing quest for honesty and the environment, I have discovered why Major Suckage is affecting change.  It began with my sheers being sucked out of our house.  After I went to the trouble of making my own sheers for my windows, so I can sit naked inside and not be accused of being a flasher, nary do I get a slight breeze, a whisp of cool air that refreshes my tired body and mind.  A cool breeze is all I ask, and yet there is none.  When there is it is a gust laden with pine pollen.  Is it possible mankind has robbed me of one God-given anodyne, a cool breeze on a warm day?  It is possible, and it is happening today.  No one seems to care about the root causes of any of mankind's ills.  Media acts like they care and even more offensively giant corporations outright lie about their concern with the environment.  The entire "Green" movement is a sham.  It is a media-produced facade that suggests corporations are aware and making attempts to reduce emissions.  Bah hum bug.  Saying the word "green" over and over does nothing.  It certainly does not have the power to change gas mileage, a ludicrous claim CSX-T makes in their propaganda.  Conversely diesel-electric locomotives have no attributes to our environment.  Period.  Diesel-electric locomotives have no attributes to our environment.  There is nothing about them that in any way shape or form contributes to the health of our earth or our human bodies.  Conversely they pollute on a massive scale which is disguised in a "Green" campaign suggesting these mammoth heat and noise sources somehow make our lives better.  Bah hum bug.  The only lives they make better are the shareholders.  The stock market is a sham.  Conversely diesel-electric locomotives like jet planes burn oxygen at an alarming rate.  Because we can't immediately see and measure this consumption as consumers does not mean it does not exist.  Take my sheers for example.  I have been trying to figure out what could be sucking air out of our house.  The inside of a domestic home cannot contain that much oxygen.  Seeing as the intake ducts for most climate control systems are inside a home, getting fresh air into your house is a matter of diligence.  The Germans at one time began their days by opening all of the doors and windows of their homes allowing fresh air to flow in.  It is a good idea, and when the weather allows I do a similar thing.  Now it has become pollen season, and the air is laced with yellow soot.  This changes this picture somewhat.  What could be sucking air out of our house?  There is only one answer, and it is a process that requires and burns oxygen.  We all know automobiles burn oxygen, but we don't know how much.  Similarly jet planes and diesel-electric locomotives burn huge quantities of oxygen, our oxygen.  This oxygen formerly would have been for the human race and our accompanying mother nature.  (or that should be the other way around)  In previous decades before the rail industry decided they wanted to be Fortune 500 companies and make their shareholders money, this was not so much of an issue.  Truckers still were on our interstates hauling freight for a marginal profit.  Then rail decided they would launch a campaign not dissimilar to corporate outsourcing that would make shareholders money at the expense of fairly-paid laborers.  This is modern America, and I don't see it changing.  WalMart is broadcasting a television campaign suggesting their are spending billions bringing manufacturing back to America.  Do you believe it?  I can believe the scenario of "The Walking Dead" before I can believe the resurgence of American manufacturing.  One reason is America's environment has become so polluted that it is unpleasant to live here anymore.  This is proven on a daily basis by ordinary citizens taking up arms and murdering their peers.  This brings me to my point about Major Suckage.  Our bodily senses uniquely are human.  Our bodily senses uniquely are reliant upon several things in our environment.  Our bodily senses are reliant upon air to hear and to taste, electricity to see (because visible light is a frequency of the encompassing electromagnetic spectrum), and our bodily senses are reliant upon both air and electricity to feel.  I will repeat that statement.  Our ability to FEEL is reliant upon both the air around us and electricity.  Feel in my mind can be defined in several ways.  Feeling can be considered tactile or relating to touch, meaning our skin is a huge receptor of pain or pleasure.  Feeling also can be considered emotions, which are waves of electricity triggered by waves of air.  Someone correct me if I am wrong, but I am in the ballpark.  Vivaldi or other schooled composers may have described emotions as temperaments.  Sanguine, bile, etc are fluids in the body that determine consequential emotions.  In any case our human bodily function, the function that was created by and intended by God for our betterment is reliant upon both the air around us and electricity.  If you rob the human body of these two things, chaos will ensue.  What you get is what we have now, which is unexplainable murderous violence.  Humanity is being robbed of our natural system of moral conscience, check-and-balances, and pleasure.  We are being overwrought with aberrant electricity and under wrought with oxygen to allow us to function as healthy human being.  Each time an irresponsible train engineer hammers down on the throttle of his mammoth 4,400 horsepower heat-producing pick up, our oxygen is being spent for their gain.  Suckage is the result.  Suckage is a term I created to humorously describe low pressure being created in our environment that is destroying the earth.   When machines burn the normal level of oxygen surrounding us, it creates a vacuum.  Air that should be and once was there now is gone, and like space becomes a vacuum.  Interesting and alarming things happen in a vacuum that should be filled oxygen.  The one that annoys me the most is that the insulating property of air disappears.  Air pressure that moves sound waves in a traditional pattern is gone, and the nature of audible sound changes.  This harmful process is evident all around us when one takes an opportunity to listen to our environment.  The earth sounds nothing like it did fifteen years ago, because the air that should be there is absent.  The ensuing low pressure is what will continue to create violent weather patterns that will torment the earth.  It all ready has begun.  All of it is being caused by low pressure.  Take a listen to the thunder.  No longer does it have a resonant and pleasing low-frequent rumble.  It is tinny and thin, because the air it once exited is absent.  I can hear my neighbors clearly, because the air that once insulated our voices if gone.  It is reasonable, that if aeronautic and rail companies continue with the expansion of their technology, they should be required to manufacture the resources they consume.  That means stop burning the air meant for humanity and mother nature and burn air they create for their own wealth.  Thank you and good night.