Sunday, November 09, 2014
A Broken Record
Each and every time I blog about this subject, I feel like a broken record. A broken record just repeats itself ad nauseam until finally the motor dies. The music on the records fails to reach its audience. The question reveals itself as, "Why?" Why does it fail to reach its audience? If the record repeats itself in a time loop reiterating its message again and again, then the question must be asked, "Why isn't its message being heard, understood, and acted upon?" I am finding this out firsthand. The midterm elections in America has presented this question. "Why isn't the message being heard, understood, and acted upon?" For the election the answer is simple. It had the lowest voter turn out of 37% since the l940's. As I blogged earlier, without Barack Obama's rousted minority vote, this contingency was not interested in securing the democrats their majority in the Senate. Damn. All they had to do was go to the polls and vote. It is interesting no one was inclined to do so. I was for the first time in North Carolina in many years. I wanted to cast my vote for the politicians on the ballot who merited an opportunity to lead. Fully I researched and chose my candidates, and fully they lost. A second contingency, the Republicans, bought the election. They abstractly bought the election. What I still do not know is if the Electoral College was involved in these mid term elections. If they were, it is easy to understand where that 100 million dollars of dark money went in North Carolina. Certainly it did not go into the making of flimsy paper and metal campaign signs. Possibly a portion of that dark money did line the pockets of local television networks for smear ads. Would the Republicans have won if more people voted? Probably not. We have no one to blame except those who were too disinterested to care anymore. The message was not heard by the minority vote, or they turned a deaf ear. Positively the contingency still is in existence, the minority vote or the democratic vote. This vote is important, because it is unveiling itself to me as the Christian vote. The other vote, the Republican vote, metaphorically is has begun to represent pop music. When I use the word pop, I do not mean popular. This definition in fact is extremely undefined in the history of music. Some believe the word pop does mean popular. It doesn't in my eyes historically, because they are many other varied styles of music that have been popular over the decades in America. Disco is one. It was extremely popular during the decade of the l970's and with the release of the film Saturday Night Fever. While the music of the Bee Gee's is pop oriented, disco spawned a large catalog of hit songs from other bands, producers, and record labels. It is not pop from the stylistic musical definition. I have explained this repeatedly in previous blog posts ad nauseam. I had to explain it to come to understand it myself as a professional pianist. Never in my forty years of playing the piano did the musical style "pop" ever present itself to me. I am gracious or was until a few years ago. Then it seemed everywhere I listened there was this other style. In short the rhythmic style is a direct metaphor for the technique of strumming the guitar. When one mindlessly moves their forearm in a reciprocating motion over the strings of the guitar, this rhythmic feel is created. It is mindless. Anyone can do it. With no thought, idea, feeling, or concept almost anyone can make this motion. In a fell swoop this motion became the voice of the Republican party. Mindless. Like the way they have failed to govern, the message is empty. There is no message. It has been difficult to get my mind wrapped around mindlessness. Only it means that a sheltered, instinctual, selfish contingency has adopted a survival only plan. With no message except sheer survival of their party, they parade like mindless zombies. They do not know their plan, because there is none. The only thing that matters subconsciously is survival and domination of an opposing species. Perfectly the genre of pop music represents the Republican message. It cannot change minds. It cannot teach. It fully is impotent. I have been wondering whence this came, and now I know. The same contingency that has tried to erase God from America is singing the songs of pop. That is because real music, God, and christianity are the same thing. Without this spirituality there is no substance. There is no love. A contemporary classical piece I composed in Italy is entitled "Genova." It was inspired by the landscape upon which I gazed as my ship sat its port. Like most of Italy the architecture was breathtaking. How ancient artisans sculpted that rock so ornately is beyond me. There were domes and bell towers. As a skilled composer easily I was able to paint a musical picture of Genova. When I played, recorded, and listened to it, conspicuously it was devoid of the entity of which I am describing. It was devoid of spirituality. It was beautiful. It was haunting. It was modern, but it unike most of my other pieces lacked the feeling of God and thus humanity. I should correct myself, because recently there has been a diversion. The feeling traditionally associated with God and love now has become the enemy for the Republican party. That is why pop music is their chosen voice. In the greatest masquerade in musical history, politicians have ruined the art of music. As they bought the presidential election in Florida through the court system, also they decided and castrated real popular music. Simply and mindlessly they just knew with no reason they had to steal the balance of money from popular musicians. They just decided no longer would average medium income people have a pot in which to piss. We have not recovered from this economic crisis. When I harp about the ills of pop music, now I will harp about zombie Republicans. At least I can understand why my broken record falls on deaf ears. They can't get it. When you can't get it, destroy it. Many soap box shouters on television blame God. Why has he abandoned us? I ask myself the same question. Why the hell does my adult life have to be fettered with the annihilation of my chosen profession? It is a daunting question of which I have no answer. My mind is so confused that it shuts down much like the Republicans. Was I lucky because of my studies to understand the precept of spirituality in music is necessary? It really is the same thing. Music is poetry. Then again certainly America no longer is poetic. There was another hugely popular style of music that rhymed. Its basis was that of rhyming messaging. This rhyme scheme meant the lyrical content of Hip Hop had to be thought about. Above that it had to be artistic. Without defining artisty again, we can say for certain pop music is the emptiest shell. It is this way for a reason. Anyone can do it. There need be no real knowledge. Therefore it should be free. I cannot think of another thing in history that deserves such treatment. Of all things Republicans could decide would be devoid of value, why couldn't it be milk, or coffee, or gasoline? Why music? It is because music carries the spiritual message of God, someone they are unwilling to worship. Instead like the rest of use they want to dominate. When one understands such behavior it is more palatable. We are dealing with something less than animal. Animal have feelings and instincts. Like most of mother nature they are filled with joy and love. It won't be long before animals will be decided to become extinct. Unless the nonvoting populace makes themselves known again, the tyranny of Republicans will continue. Capitalism must be driving this mindless instinct. Brainwashed to get all you can, can it, and sit on the can zombies inhabit the Senate. My only logical conclusion is they must be shot.