With the constant decline of quality of American news media, still it is difficult to understand why this media seems only to pander to the adolescent age group. "Obamacare?" How can a federal law enacted by America's first African-American president be reduced to a pseudonym? While it is understandable there is much contention over the law between political parties, how is it that America has reduced this misunderstanding to sheer mudslinging? "Obamacare?" That word in my eyes is synonymous with "Nigger." The same cultural class that would choose to use such a demeaning racial slur thus must be responsible for the coining of the term "Obamacare?" Is it that they are too lazy or disrespectful to take the time to try to understand the legislation? This is becoming increasingly more difficult in light of our currently constantly declining new media. While "spin" is not a new concept and possibly has been a component of the White House for decades, misreporting of the news has become commonplace. Lying in fact has become commonplace. One only has to watch right wing television news to see this in full effect. It seems the need for immediate gratification has usurped the tried and true practice in news reporting of checking and double checking your multiple sources. This deficiency almost has curtailed my following of the news on the internet, not to mention that there is a stark absence of any positive news. It seems local newspapers also have fallen prey to this more tabloid type of reporting. Is social networking responsible for this downfall? Is it that adolescent disposable income is the only income available to the remnants of America's gross national product?
Who can argue that America's youth are and have been food for America's established economic powers? It is despicable. "Obamacare?" We as a nation are too ignorant to say the phrase, "Healthcare dot gov.?" Keywords, soundbites, or hash tags are abbreviations for an adolescent America that do not have time to form a paragraph. The fees on their cell phones are too expensive to allow a complete expression of thought. Did we as a populace choose to live this truncated existence uttering phrases of incoherence? It is comedic, but it should not be. What should become clear is we as a nation have regressed on all fronts to a superficial existence of the wealthy preying on the children of America. While there should be and has been a process of social networking via media, it cannot replace the true mechanisms of American society. The internet if anyone will recall originally was a connecting of academic data bases to share data on the development of the atomic bomb. Scholarly or educational information was the basis of the internet, not social networking. This is how I learned at The Ohio State University, yet it is difficult for me to remember. Having not been affiliated with an academic institution for over a decade, it is unnerving to have become at the mercy of commercial America. I remember when using the Apple Macintosh computer, if you took the time to learn the operating system you could have control of your machine. This included software bundling, software updates, and networking. Never would your computer take it upon itself to download an update without your consent. This concept while novel to trustworthy computers has opened the door to spyware and other malicious programs meant to steal or destroy your information. What is it we are so busy doing to have forgotten how to take the time to learn our systems? Is it because manufacturers do not want us to learn them, because then we would become content with them and not buy the next newest thing? As NPR has reported recently the richest ten percent of Americans are earning ninety percent of our income. There has become no middle class. All I can say is eventually America will fall prey to the same governmental ills as other older nations. We in our generation somehow have sidestepped the tumultuous uprising of Americans against unfair government or social rule. All I can say is it seems like due time. Better pick up a hoe or an axe.