Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Nuts and Bolts of America

Justin Webb, the North American correspondent for the BBC, recently wrote a piece on “Team Clinton.” He made no point. The closing sentence of the piece stated simply, “This is a team effort. The problem is not her, the problem is not even him: the problem is them.” There was no effort to try to explain why “them” was a problem, but that must depend on the definition of the word “them.” Non-Republican political pundits think favorably of Hillary Clinton. She, like her democratic rival and President-Elect Barack Obama, ran a well-organized and effective presidential campaign. This, with her service in the United States Senate, has earned her a place of esteem in American government. Her election to that New York seat helped mask her few highly publicized shortcomings as First Lady to Bill Clinton. The most notable was a memo mandating Universal Health Care. She was criticized, because there was no immediate plan on how to go about socializing America’s private health care system. It would take a formidable panel of academic experts to be able to devise such a plan. Her attempted decree was a political promise not unlike many others made on campaign trails. Because America’s health care system is empowering of the wealthy, her plan was met with staunch resistance. The Conservatives spoke, and America’s bloated, financially yielding, but stealth to the public system of health care continues to prevail. HMO’s, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical companies continue to bleed taxpayers dollars for over-priced and cumbersome medical care. As a result Americans have been traveling both to South America and India in search of more effective and more affordable health care. America’s health care system best could be the example of an America gone wrong, because her founding principles are not represented by this system. The majority of America’s founding principles have been abandoned during the last decade, and it is a confounding problem. The “War on Terror” or the battle against foreign Extremism has been only a façade disguising the real battle over America’s genealogy. How could it be in eight short years the very essence of America has been lost and replaced with a totalitarian rule so foreign it demands feigning patriotism? The heart and soul of America have been ripped out by lycanthropes and America is stumbling to understand it. A short course in American history, against the wishes of Big Brother’s newspeak, could put America back into perspective. Iconic terms such as The Gilded Age, the Industrial Revolution, and the Assembly Line serve a vital role in understanding the once greatness of America. Core manufacturing values were crucial to building a strong nation, and this international competition was the soul of Nationalism. The fall of the Cold War may not have been the most effective fertilizer for economic expansion in both America and the U.S.S.R. While globalization shortsightedly may have primed futures trading, it failed to recognize its own dependence upon nationalistic infrastructure as a building block for social and economic stability. Ivey League gambling never should have become a substitute for the founding principles of America, and it is unconscionable that it has. The sweat and blood of the working class is what built America, and consequently the game of Monopoly is not a viable substitute. Still with this knowledge America’s federal government chose to give away billions of taxpayers dollars to seeming erudite but lackadaisical Wall Street “workers.” Is trading stock on other people’s companies really a reputable occupation? Is there any real virtue in picking “futures?” Was there any virtue in abandoning America’s principles for shallow Capitalism? Can small plastic computer speakers the size of a Kleenex box really replace the heart and soul of a wood TL box equipped with large bonded ferrite magnet? It seems the reality of the Japanese video game, living one’s life in an electronic box, has replaced America’s workforces’ core values. The entire system of apprentice, journeyman, and master has been disguised to America’s youth, while delusions of grandeur instilled by pop media continue to prevail. Returning America to her core values is vital to an economic resurrection. The onslaught of digital entertainment has nothing to do with integrity in America’s infrastructure, yet elusively it has taken the place of the three “R’s” championed by George Bush Sr. Entertainment whether it be text messaging, channel surfing, web-browsing, Reality TV, or Karioke cannot replace Western Civilization’s history of achievement. Traditional Liberal Arts and Science curriculums still are the building blocks of a successful country. America has been coerced into an ideological war that is destined to be her demise unless we as a country realize, “A well organized militia” is the last battlefront to total annihilation. Murdering citizens at the expense of religious belief is an evil diversion subverting human existence. The more America gets back to nuts and bolts the more likely we are of surviving another Great Depression.