Monday, December 08, 2008

Gitmo, The Hague Tribunal, and George W. Bush

It's not like the Bush Administration has not all ready bankrupted America's youth. We all ready are left holding the price tag for his failed presidency. Now in what could be considered the most subversive act in American history, the exiled king has raided his country's coffers handing out alms to the rich. What is left? To what does the rest of America have left to look forward? Our constitutional rights have been raped. Our environment has been pilfered. Our self-esteem and dignity have been reduced to that of an ignorant bully preying on distracted children. Maybe the Great Depression was worse, but it was not as bad as America's own president handing out money to his pals before he leaves work. Stealing is an impeachable crime, and George W. Bush should be indicted, arraigned, tried, and found guilty. It is unfortunate the International War Tribunal in the Hague can not host his trial. Wouldn't America be better off if he met the same fate as Slobodan Milosevic? There is no punishment great enough for this man's crimes.