Thursday, May 29, 2008
If anyone were to take a moment and ask why America is fucked up, it wouldn’t be difficult to explain. We are too worried about putting food on the table, gas in our cars, and paying for medical bills. What kind of quality of life are we to have if America’s masses can’t rise above the lowest of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? We are too busy working our fingers to the bone, eating fast food, and watching worthless television to do much else. Unfortunately the one thing we used to have was a setting upon which romance could take place. America was built upon that premise. Settlers traveled in wagon trains across the Rocky Mountains, but they had each other. The vast natural offerings of America provided the perfect backdrop for romance. That now is over. The Extreme Right successfully has wrangled America right out of Americans’ hands. They have been left seeking solstice in military-like compounds with temples surrounded by gated walls. Is this what George Washington had in mind? It is ironic the skills of his Free Masons are utilized in the building of these compounds today, but that is a guild from two centuries ago. Maybe he knew something back then, that the freedoms for which our founding fathers fought so fervently one day would be questioned. America used to be a melting pot of open arms watched over by our Statue of Liberty. Now the tired and poor are tunneling under walls to get into America. America never has been a country about walls. It has never been about gated communities, exclusive resorts, and eminent domain. America has always been plural, and somehow government found a way to preserve the ideals of immigrants from many foreign countries within the boundaries of America. Family was the binding tie and their surrounding culture. Never did immigrants stray too far from their familiar family habits. As the New World Order attempts to destroy foreign cultures at the expense of democracy, attention needs to be paid to sustaining our own cultural habits. Without these we will lose the very fabric of our society and lives. Without culture and philosophy democracy is just a title. Religion is a crucial component of culture, and that among other things is being questioned on a daily basis by big money. Why should we as Americans have to justify our culture? We were born in America as Americans. Our culture is our constitutional rights to the pursuit of happiness. Maybe we can still pursue happiness, but it is much more difficult when the backdrop continues to be taken away. When quiet nights, clean air, fresh water, and the smell of fresh spring flowers are replaced with sounds of gunfire, the smell of CO2, and extreme heat, no one feels much like courting or creating culture. Nature all ready knows this. When the major sensory sensations of human beings are taken away, we are left with the sour, fattening, and unsatisfying offerings of a fast food America. The senses that are so much a part of the arts sacrificially have been offered to the pagan gods of petroleum. Drive your car. Drive your car. Drive your car. When I was a kid, we used to ride out bicycles to the neighborhood 7/11 to buy candy. It was the highlight of a particular weekend. Now at the exact same shopping center, the owner won’t allow bicycles in his parking lot or on his sidewalks. With the price of gasoline reaching $4.00 per gallon, a merchant in an American town has forbidden bicycles. In our historic district of downtown roller blades, skateboards and bicycles are no longer allowed. What kind of America is this?