Monday, April 28, 2008

Total Anihilation

With the presence of God slipping further and further away from American consciousness, it is no surprise the sexual morality of the country is in crisis. It has always been clear to anyone who understands Western Civilization America is a base country. Our needs and means, although disguised, are brutal and primitive. It may be this abruptness is alone what created the superpower that we once were. There comes a time when a country has to acknowledge they must live in the same plane as the rest of humanity, and like a maturing child finds a need to blend rather than dominate. While this egocentric behavior of domination is bred by the concept of Capitalism, over time like waning hormones it begins to take a back seat to nesting. The maturation process grows humility with the fertilizer of worldly experience. Both William Shakespeare and Socrates knew life truly is a tragedy. Could it not be that living in the realm of only the human experience creates this tragedy, because upon looking we find so much beauty embodied in Mother Nature? Real Native Americans may have been more successful, because instead of imperializing a country they respected her soul and humbly learned power from that great wisdom. There was always regard for the Creator no matter how He had been personified. The African culture was rich in humanity and ascribed spiritual qualities to tangible elements in nature. What more simple way to explain God’s existence then to begin to classify His elements? Water, sunlight, wind, and fire were crucial to life’s existence. Only an American could be so callus to discount God and proclaim science was itself King. Who created science for our benefit? Who created science to prove the existence of God? Only the American culture could so foolishly forget our immediate past, pushing it under the rug so to hide our heads in the sand. Responsible civilizations recognize their needs and without selfish monetary greed, find the processes politically to take care of their own. We as the American public have been failed. For reasons seemingly unfathomable, like television programming, a neo-nihilist socio-economic faction has booby-trapped the American way. Not only has logic, reason, and humanity been abandoned in our infrastructure, pure narcissistic Hedonism has been spread like the plague. One only has to watch ten minutes of television programming to see its effects. The pure and un-adultered gifts of God to humanity have been thrown back in His face. What other consequence could there be but total annihilation?