Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Taking Your Shirt Off in Public
Many priests in the Roman Catholic Church were sexually frustrated. Warren Jeffs was sexually frustrated. Former Governor Eliot Spitzer was sexually frustrated. It appears Roger Clemens is sexually frustrated. Billy Ray Cyrus needs money. How could this immeasurably not prove the hypocrisy of the Conservative Religious Right? How did a self-appointed , self-promoted, self-fulfilling coalition suddenly come to power in the United States and in a few short years pre-empt the core of American philosophy and social dogma? How did specific freedoms get singled out and systematically abolished with the aid of the federal government? Is it the Bilderberg Group? Is it Skull and Bones? Is it the Illuminate? Is it Big Brother seeking to establish a New World Order? Who decided specific moral freedoms no longer deserved to be supported by our Constitution? Evidently the people mentioned above don’t agree. It may be they would not disagree in premise. Sexual virtue is what? Supreme? I always thought cleanliness was next to Godliness. We have to ask the Puritans that helped settle America. Maybe they have the answer. I hope the followers of the Church of the Latter Day Saints at the Yearning for Zion Ranch in Eldorado Texas don’t have the answer, or maybe they do. They were searching for sexual freedom behind the closed doors of what appeared to be religious worship. Maybe we should ask the Mormons. Maybe this cultish sect actually represents expression of one of our core freedoms embodied in the American constitution. These freedoms slowly have been dissolving away at the hands of the Conservative Religious Right, and as a result America is no longer the same. What once was a liberal, rebellious, and joyful nation has become an oppressed people squirming in the boundaries this covert moral governing group has established. It is becoming common knowledge America does not like this interpretation of our socio-political value system. More importantly than whether we like it or not, open inhibition of our constitutional rights by our own federal government is illegal. Is this why only certain federal District Attorneys were fired, because they were cognizant of and disagreed with this practice? Who is going to file and prosecute cases against our federal government when they are struggling to maintain domestic peace, national security, and a viable economy? Like the huge example of 9/11 are these issues behind which to hide while subverting our constitutional rights? If sexual frustration can be the root of so much immoral behavior, then why as a country do we not reestablish our core freedoms and exercise them? Larry Flynt was ground-breaking in the field of pornography. He proved that as adult Americans we have the right to choose our own morality. If the Conservative Religious Right would stop trying to legislate morality politically from atop its soap box and get the hell out of Dodge, then maybe we could get back to the business of being Americans. Prostitution is legal and many places, because their governmental systems don’t favor hypocrisy. They may have corruption, but they call a spade a spade. The moral majority in governmental politics has lost sight of what a spade is. America has always favored sexual freedom, because as Freud proved you will never be able to separate the "ID" from a human being. In his terms it was the essence of who we are. Trying to act like the ID does not exist could be the cause of many of the things that are happening in American society. If Catholic priests were sexually frustrated, why would they use the cloistered confessionals of the church as a vehicle for such behavior? Is it because taking a vow of celibacy itself is hypocrisy? It seems America as a whole is out of touch with the natural inclinations of the ID. Maybe we should ask the creators and hosts of the thousands of pornographic teen websites what they think? Sex seems to be very important to them. Why would it be any less important to anyone else, accept that they were too ashamed to be accountable for their own sexual drive? Being sexually responsible is a privilege. It comes with becoming an adult. When we as a country stop educating our youth, start politically legislating morality, and become disconnected with our constitutional rights, Miley Cyrus takes her shirt off in public.