Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Sir Robin Hood and Universal Health Care

As Barak Obama touts his wisdom from Hillary Clinton’s “failed universal health care attempt,” the American people must know the truth. Michael Moore and others have attempted to “expose” our system of health care in the United States. It is easy to understand. It is private and it is run by private companies. What else do you need to know? The current governmental regime is run largely by private companies, and it core purpose is to serve those interests. It has been obvious to the American people since President Bush took office the American people do not matter. Private businesses do. Wealth. Private wealth. In attempting to dismantle our privatized health care system, any politician is faced with probably the most daunting task in the country next to national security. That is taking wealth from the hands of the wealthy and placing it in the hands of the masses. The medical profession and all its tangents in the United States erroneously has become foul with the need for money. Why else would the health care of America’s citizens be taken over by useless and much hated HMO’s? Their only purpose is to pinch pennies for the rich. That is how the rich become rich. Ask anyone that deals with the wealthy and you will know they are some of the tightest people ever. Pinching pennies is one way to get rich. Just ask the federal government why they “deduct” money from you monthly check and keep it for you? Anyone knows it is because the federal government earns interest of YOUR money. Why should they be allowed to do this, under the guise you will get a refund after tax day? It is a way of appeasing the American people, just like sending checks for tax cuts. Instead of confronting the philosophy of the issues in a socio/political context, American business just goes for the jugular at the expense of Joe Schmoe. That is why attorneys go to school, become CEO’s, and run for office. Who is more qualified to dupe the American people than professionals that know the loopholes in the law? This issue is reaching a head as more Americans get sick and die. It is a common fact now that the health care system in the U.S. is far behind other countries. It probably is not because we are less capable than other medical establishments. It is because we are greedy in the name of Capitalism. America is where you can “get rich quick.” Those that get a taste of the medicine like it, so the ball rolls on. How we let our health care system become such a gargantuan bureaucracy is perplexing. It began with the inception of the H.M.O. Without going into it any politician that will attempt to dethrone HMO’s, traditional health insurance providers, private doctors, private hospitals, and DRUG COMPANIES is in for the fight of their lives. The reason why Hillary failed was because her “plan” was merely a memo jotted down on a scrap of paper, or so the papers said. To succeed at providing a universal health care system or socialized medicine is to go against everything America has ever stood for, because we are NOT a socialist country. We are a Republic with a Capitalist socio-economic system. That means people have to earn money privately to support themselves and their families. Devising a plan to convert the traditional privatized system of health care to one of government control is monumental. It will take considerable intellect to do so, something as complex as cracking DNA. To succeed at this task scholars and historians should begin NOW. If our government cannot handle the small tasks at hand, how will they every be able to manage universal health care? My guess is they won’t, not without it becoming a huge mess more cumbersome than the system we have now. What we should focus on is getting costs down by cutting out the middle men. HMO’s are unpopular, and if they are it is because they are providing a disservice to the American people. I like the idea of a family doctor with a little black bag. Pass a kidney stone, call the doc for a shot of Demerol. No need to involve an Emergency Room that is going to charge you $4,700.00 for two CT scans and a load of other unnecessary crap. Need an operation? Shop around to find what you want. People in America have been forced to do so, because HMO’s fail miserably at providing specialty care for acute and undiagnosed conditions. American’s have been traveling all over the country based on Web searches on GOOGLE to find solutions to their medical problems. Is this blasphemy or what? The internet provides better health care than our current system? It is a shame our citizens must travel thousands of miles to find adequate and affordable health care spending money on air travel. That has become the alternative, because even with the airfares the prices they find for operations in foreign countries are more affordable than what is offered in America. That suggests that a sizeable gap is developing in income brackets in the U.S. The wealthy are getting wealthier, and the poor are getting poorer. Universal health care is a large word and a popular issue that is meaningful to everyone. It’s just that it is going to take more than a memo to make it happen. Better get to work Barak.