Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Subversion of the American "Infrastructure"

The subversion of our infrastructure began… Well I can remember when Pop was going to lose his job, because his skill set had suddenly become outdated. “You have to learn a NEW set of skills to exist in this job market,” the campaign said. Devry University in Columbus, Ohio began a series of advertisements offering degree programs more intune with this newly emerging market. It seems dad’s skills, the ones he had been using for twenty or so odd years, are now out of date. He had to learn how to multitask. He had to learn to catch Attention Deficit Disorder. He had to learn how to drink lattes. He had to buy a cellular phone. He had to learn how to dress like a Metrosexual. Who devised this model? They must have been gay. “Ladies and gentlemen, the homosexuals have taken over the United States of America.” It is bad enough Women’s Lib came in and literally took the pants off the male gender. We haven’t recovered yet, with too many models in Sitcom America floating around. The guy is stupid, and the woman wears the pants in the family, why? Because she is smarter? How is it that all those lawyers, all those “Ad Men,” and all those politicians suddenly became more stupid and women just came in and took over? Okay, it was appropriate to have a Sexual Revolution. Let’s here it for women becoming sexually liberated. I’m all for that. Sex with multiple partners. Sex out of wedlock. Sex, sex, sex, like the l980’s. Studio 54. Cocaine. Disco Dancing. The de-masculinizing of the male gender was a mistake. God said Adam was the head of the household. This is the way it is in the Bible. God didn’t say, “Eve will wear the pants in the family.” He said woman is supposed to be vulnerable. Woman is supposed to be sweet. Woman is supposed to look pretty. These have always been the traditional characteristics of femininity. If the female race doesn’t carry the torch for these attributes then who does? Oh my God!!! It is the Metrosexuals, the men that want to possess those characteristics. When was the last time you can remember seeing a role model of a man seducing a woman? I will recant that. When is the last time you saw a role model of a man truly in love with a woman, and being successful at convincing her she should love him in return? It is an infrequent image, because society through pop cultures has changed for the worse. Call it gay rights. Call it whatever you want, but the confusion of gender linked to the confusion of occupation has created a black hole in the United States. My head is spinning so fast I can barely keep up with the presidential election. (Oh, maybe that is the point!) The rich Republicans with money out of their ears can afford to stir up the stew for the rest of us. They don’t have to get up everyday and search for truth, stability, health care, or a future. Their way of life has been set since birth. The rest of us are the ones that have to struggle, and THEY are not making it easy for us. Oh, I should be a “greeter” at WalMart. What a noble occupation that is. I should be a fucking bag boy at a grocery store. Maybe I should be an anchor on the national evening news, because evidently somehow everyone seems to have forgotten what a profession is and what defines it. To be a news anchor you need a “voice.” If millions of Americans are supposed to LISTEN to you every night talk about the news, then your speaking voice should be several notches above the average Joe Blow. In fact you should have had to have taken several semesters of Speech class in college. A degree in Broadcast Journalism is a plus. When pundits including Ted Koppel wonder why Katie Couric is failing as a national new anchor, ask yourself, “Does she have a voice.” Rest assured the stupid motherfucker that continues to slur the words “Credi- Repor-“ is not qualified to be a news anchor. You have to know how to speak, and I mean the King’s English. Even everyday English you used to learn in our public schools would suffice. That was before some insane token politician decided something as ludicrous as “Ebonics” was put into place in our public schools. Yes, let’s re-write our SAT exam to include the poor, ghetto, blacks that can’t speak English. Fiddy Cent. Def Moe Dee. Slim Shady. What have we come to as a country? Back to the original point. What is this new set of job requirements we are supposed to possess to obtain a well-paying job in America? Well for one you need to be adept at sending E-Mails on a palm pilot. Owning an iPhone is a plus. A Blue Tooth equipped wireless headset for you cell phone looks good. Serving the web five hours a day helps. Chat rooms, Flicker, My Space, Lidikin, and the rest of the cyber short cuts to sanity are all a plus at becoming actualized in today’s American society. I think I preferred it when I knew what dad was going to do everyday. He got up, had breakfast, put on a suit, drove to the office, worked on manufacturing, sales, advertising, or education-related topics, then came home to a nice dinner prepared my mom. She stayed home taking care of your brothers and sisters. I don’t know what the fuck it is now.